Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/389

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338 Helium gas . Civilian employees. Purch ase, man ufac- ture, etc ., of aircraft . Balloons, etc . Mar kin g mi lit ary airways . Disposal of surplus equipment, et c . Consulting engineers . Outside

printing plants, supplies, etc. Special services . Provisos . Designated

allot- ments. Civilian employees, etc . Helium. Experimental and research work . Balances

reappro- priated . Available for Ha- wai ian Is lan ds and Alb rook Field . Ante, pp . 129, 130 . New airplanes, etc . Incurred obligations. Vol.44,p.1120. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. Cii. 232. 1928. mainte nance, opera tion, and re pair o f such utilit ies at such plants ; for the procurement of helium gas ; salaries and wages of civilian employees as may be necessary, and payment of their traveling and other necessary expenses as authorized by existing law ; transporta- tion of materials in connection with consolidation of Air Corps activities ; experimental investigation and purchase and development of new types of ai rcraft , acce ssorie s there to, an d avia tion e ngines , including plans, drawings, and specifications thereof, and the pur- chase of letters patent, a pplicatio ns for l etters pa tent, lic enses und er letters patent and applications for letters patent ; for the purchase, manufa cture and co nstruc tion o f ball oons, a nd oth er aer ial ma chines , incl uding inst rumen ts, gas p lants , ha ngars and repa ir sh ops, and appliances of every sort and description necessary for the operation, construction, or equipment of all types of aircraft, and all necessary spare parts and equipment connected therewith ; for the marking of military airways where the purchase of land is not involved ; for the purchase, manufacture, and issue of special clothing, wearing apparel, and similar equipment for aviation purposes ; for all necessary expenses connected with the sale or disposal of surplus or obsolete aeronautical equipment, and the rental of buildings, and other facili- ties for the handling or storage of such equipment ; for the services of not more than four consulting engineers at experimental stations of the Air Corps as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, at rates of pay to be fixed by him not to exceed $50 a day for not exceed- ing fifty days each and necessary traveling expenses ; purchase of special apparatus and appliances, repairs and replacements of same used in connection with special scientific medical research in the Air Corps ; for maintenance and operation of such Air Corps printing plants outside of the District of Columbia as may be authorized in accordance with law ; for publications, station libraries, special furni- ture, supplies and equipment for offices, shops, and laboratories ; for special services, including t he salvaging of wrecked aircraft, $24,630,268 : Provided, That not to exceed $2,794,361 from this appro- priation may be expended for pay and expenses of civilian employees other than those employed in experimental and research work ; not excee ding $200, 000 may b e exp ende d for the procu reme nt of heli um from the Bureau of Mines, which may be transferred in advance, in amounts as required, to that bureau ; not exceeding $2,200,000 may be ex pende d for exp erime ntal and resea rch w ork w ith airpl anes or light er-th an-ai r cr aft a nd th eir equip ment, incl udin g the pay of necessary civilian employees ; not exceeding $13,000 may be expended for the production of lighter-than-air equipment ; not exceeding $1,73 6,619 may be e xpend ed fo r im prove ment of st atio ns, h angar s, and gas plants for the Regular Army and for such other markings and fuel supply stations and temporary shelter as may be necessary, and in addition to the sum of $1,736,619 there is hereby reappro- priated the following unexpended balances of continuing appropria- tions : "Cantonment construction, Panama Canal," $204,546 .61, and " Sites fo r militar y purpose s," $241, 932 .39, in all , $ 446, 479, to be avai l- able for the following as authorized by the Act approved February 18, 1928 : Steel hangar, $39,500, amid addition to radio hut, $6,979, Hawaiian Islands ; and construction of landing field, Albrook Field, Canal Zone, $400,000 ; not less than $11,257,445 shall be expended for the p roduc tion or p urcha se of new airp lanes and thei r equ ipmen t, spare parts, and accessories, of which not to exceed $3,995,000 shall be available for the payment of obligations incurred under the con- tract authorization for these purposes carried in the War Depart- ment Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1928, approved February