Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/544

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHs. 509, 510, 512. 1928.

493 person) for the refund of taxes paid (whether by such owner or any other person) in excess of $2 .20 per proof gallon on any domestic dis tilled spiri ts whi ch are now i n a ta x-paid wareho use op erated in connection with and contiguous to an internal-revenue bonded warehouse, if proof satisfactory to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue is furnished of the ownership and identity of the distilled spirits as to which the refund is claimed, and of the amount of tax paid thereon . The Commissioner of Prohibition may direct that house . any spirits on which a refund of tax is paid under this Act shall be removed to and stored in a warehouse designated by him . Approved, May 8, 1928 . to ware - CHAP. 510.-An Act To amend the proviso of the Act approved August 24

M .R . 1928. [H

11629 .) 1912, with reference to educational leave to employees of tIndian Service . [Pu blic , No. 355.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Indian Service. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proviso uol 37coae,9p. 706, of the Act approved August 24, 1912 (Thirty-seventh Statutes at Vol . 42, p . 829, amend. Large, page 519, United States Code, title 25, section 275), as ed. amended by the Act approved August 24,1922 (Forty-second Statutes at Large, page 829, United States Code, title 25, section 275), be, and the same is hereby, amended so that the proviso shall read : Indian schools. "Provided, That hereafter teachers of the Indian schools and ciaeache rs,aflabs i- physicians of the Indian Service may be allowed, in addition to al educational leaves of annual leave, educational leave not to exceed thirty days per calendar absence. year, or sixty days in every alternate year, for attendance at educa- tional gatherings, conventions, institutions, or training schools, if the interest of the service require, and under such regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, and no additional salary or expense on account of this leave of absence shall be incurred ." Approved, May 8, 1928 . May 9, 1928 . CHAP. 512.-An Act To provide for the paving of the Government road (A • R .11723 .] known as the La Fayette Extension Road, commencing at Lee and Gordon's [Public,No .356.] mill, near Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Milita ry Park, and ext ending to La Fayett e, Georgi a, consti tuting an approach road to Chickamau ga and Chattanooga National Military Park . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Chio kamauga and United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Chattanooga Military of War is authorized to improve and pave the Government road, Park . Amou nt authoriz ed known as the La Fayette Extension Road, commencing at Lee and for paving Gover n- Gordon's mill, near Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military "'t Park, and extending to La Fa ette Georgia in the length of a roxi, Postt P 929 . matey twelve and ine- tenths miles , for which an app ropriat ion of no t to e xceed $193,5 00 is hereby autho rized o ut of any mo ney in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated : Provided, That no part of Pro visos . Available only when the appropriation herein authorized shall be available until the State e q ual amount contrib- of Georgia or any county or municipality or legal subdivision thereof, uted by Georgia, etc . or any S tate o r coun ty or munici pality or leg al sub divisi on the reof, or any State or county or municipal highway commission, or equiva- lent public authority shall contribute at least an equal amount for the same purpose, and the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to expend such sum as may be contributed by said local interests con- currently with the appropriation herein authorized in the improve- ment and pavement of said road : Provided further, That should the Ch ange in p osit ion State o f Geor gia or any c ounty or mun icipali ty or legal subdiv ision of road permitted . thereof, or any State or county or municipal highway commission, or