Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/581

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I . CH. 551. 1928. Government Print . ing Office . GOVE RNMEN T PR INTI NG OFFICE . Printing and bind- PUBLIC P RINTING AND BINDING : To pr ovide the Pu blic Printe r Working capital pro- with a working capital for the following purposes for the execution vid ed .

of printing, binding, lithographing, mapping, engraving, and other Pub lic Prin ter a nd autho rized work of the Governmen t Printing Of fice for the various Dep uty

branches of the Government : For salaries of Public Printer, $7,500, Salaries, wages, eto. and Deputy Public Printer, $5,000 ; for salaries, compensation, or wages o f all necessa ry officers an d employees a dditional to t hose Holidays. herein appropriated for, including employees necessary to handle waste paper and condemned material for sale ; to enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions of law granting holidays and Leaves of absence . Executive orders granting holidays and half holidays with pay to employees ; to enable the Public Printer to comply with the provi- Contingen t expenses . sions o f law grantin g thirty days' annual leave to employees with pay ; rents, fuel, gas, heat, electric current, gas and electric fixtures ; bicycles, motor-propelled vehicles for the carriage of printing and printing supplies, and the maintenance, repair, and operation of the same, to be used only for official purposes, including purchase, exchange, operation, repair, and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use of the officers of the Government Printing Office when in writing ordered by the Public Printer (not exceeding $4,000) ; freight, expressage, telegraph and telephone service ; furniture, typewriters, and carpets ; traveling expenses ; stationery, postage, and advertising ; directories, technical books, newspapers and magazines, and books of reference (not exc eed ing $500) subscriptions for which may be paid in advance ; Machinery, equip . adding and numbering machines, time stamps, and other machines ment,etc, of similar character ; machinery (not exceeding $200,000) ; equip- ment, and for repairs to machinery, implements, and buildings, and for minor al terations to buildings ; n ece ssa ry equ ipm en t, mai nte - nance, and supplies for the emergency room for the use of all employees in the Government Printing Office who may be taken suddenly ill or receive injury while on duty ; other necessary con- tingent and mi scellaneous i tems authorize d by the Publ ic Printer Proviso.

Provided, That inks, glues, and other supplies manufactured Furnishing pIrtments, etc. by the Government Printing Office in connection with its work may be furnished to departments and other establishments of the Govern ment u pon re quisi tion, and pa yment made from a ppropr ia- Inspection . tion s av aila ble ther efor ; for expens es aut horiz ed in writin g by the Joint Committee on Printing for the inspection of printing and binding equipment, material, and supplies and Government printi ng pla nts in the Distri ct of Columb ia or elsew here ( not In dexe s, C ongre s . e xcee ding $1, 000) i for salaries and expenses of preparing the semi- sional Record, mon thly and sess ion indexes o f the Congress ional Record under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing (chief indexer at $3,150, one cataloguer at $2,880, and two cataloguers at $2,150 Paper, materials, etc . each) ; and for all the necessary labor, paper, materials, and equip- ment needed in the prosecution and delivery and mailing of the eq uip- Charged to Con work ; in all, $2,500,000, to which shall be charged the printing and binding authorized to be done for Congress, the printing and binding for use of the Government Printing Office, and printing and binding Architect of the Cap itol . (not exceeding 82,000) for official use of the Architect of the Capitol when authorized by the Secretary of the Senate ; in all to an amount not exceeding this sum . grs Authori for sionalwo rk . Con . Printing and binding for Congress chargeable to the foregoing appropriation, when recommended to be done by the Committee on Printing of either House, shall be so recommended in a report con- taining an approximate estimate of the cost thereof, together with