Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/593

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CH. 572 . 1928 . SA LARI ES AND G ENER AL E XPEN SES Administration ex- penses . Vol. 24, p. 440; Vol. 34,p.63;Vol,43,p.970. Territorial and insu- lar possessions . Pos t, p. 571. Outside rent. To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to enforce the provisions of the Acts approved March 2, 1887, March 16, 1906, and February 24, 1925, relative to their administration and for the administration of agricultural experiment stations in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, the islan d of Guam, and the Virgi n Is lands of t he U nited Stat es, includ ing th e empl oyment of cl erks, assista nts, a nd oth er per sons i n the city of Washington and elsewhere, freight and express charges, official travelin g expense s, office fixture s, suppli es, appar atus, tel e- Annual statement graph and te lephon e serv ice, g as, el ectric curren t, and rent outsid e forms .

of the District of Columbia, $130,000 ; and the Secretary of Agri- culture shall prescribe the form of the annual financial statement required under the above Acts, ascertain whether the expenditures are in accordance with their provisions, coordinate the work of the Department of Agriculture with that of the State agricultural col- leges and experiment stations in the lines authorized in said Acts, Maintenance of sta- and make report thereon to Congress . tions in Territories and To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and maintain insular possessions . agricultural experimental stations in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, the island of Gu am, an d the Virgin Islan ds of t he Uni ted St ates, includ - ing the erection of buildings, the preparation, illustration, and dis- tribution of reports and bulletins, and all other necessary expenses, $246,400, as follows : Alaska, $85,000 ; Hawaii, $54,940 ; Porto Rico, $56,460 ; Guam, $25,000 ; and the Virgin Islands of the United States, $25,000 ; and the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to sell such products as are obtained on the land belonging to the agricultural exper iment stat ions in A laska , Ha waii, Port o Ric o, t he is land of Guam, and the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the amount obtained from the sale thereof shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts : Provided, That of the sum herein appropriated for the experiment station in Hawaii $10,000 may be used in agricultural extension work in Hawaii : Pro- vided further, That of the sum herein appropriated for the experi- ment st ations in Al aska, $10,00 0 shal l be im mediat ely av ailabl e only for the erection of buildings. In all, sala ries and expenses, $376,400 . Tot al, Of fice o f Expe riment Stati ons, $ 4,216,4 00, of which amoun t not to exceed $122, 574, m ay be expend ed for person al ser vices in the District of Columbia. Allo tme nts . Sale of products. Provisos. Extension work in Hawaii. Buildings in Alaska . Services in the Dis- trict. Extension Service . Administrative ex- pe nses .

For necessary expenses for general administrative purposes, includ- ing perso nal servi ces in th e Distric t of Colu mbia, $11 ,540 . Fo r far mers ' coo perat ive d emon strat ion w ork, incl uding spec ial suggest ions o f plan s and method s for more ef fectiv e diss eminat ion of the results of the work of the Department of Agriculture and the agricultural experiment stations and of improved methods of agri- cultural practice, at farmers' institutes and in agricultural instruc- tion, and including not to exceed $38,640 for such work on Govern- ment reclamation projects, and for the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, supplies, and all other necessary expenses, $1,462,640 : Provided, That the expense of such service shall be defrayed from this appropriation and such cooperative funds as may be voluntarily contributed by State, county, and municipal ag encies , asso ciatio ns of farmer s, and indivi dual f armers , univ ersi- ties, colleges, boards of trade, chambers of commerce, other local associations of business men, business organizations, and individuals within the State . Farmers' cooperative demonstration work . Labor in the District . Proviso . Acceptance of volun- tary contributions wi thin a State . EXTENSION SERVICE-SALARIES AND GE NER AL EXPENSES