Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/634

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583 ser vices locate d in W ashing ton, D istric t of Co lumbia, and elsewh ere, $13,000. Total, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, $600,000 . PUBLIC BUILDIN GS AND PUBLIC PARKS OF THE Parks of Bthel National NATIONAL CAPITAL

Capital' For personal services in the District of Columbia, in accordance Voi 43Ps ss3" with the Classification Act of 1923, $1,724,530, including not to exceed $25,000 for intermittent and seasonal employees at per diem rates of compensation to be fixed by the director . For general expenses in connection with the maintenance, care Mai nten ance, car e, 7

7 etc ., of des ignated improvement, protection, operation, repair, cleaning, heating, and builings, grounds, etc. lighting of the Washington Mon ument and grounds; t h e L in c ol n Memorial and reflecting pool; the house where Abraham Lincoln died; grounds surrounding executive departments; and public build- ings in the District of Columbia under the jurisdiction of the Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of th e Nat iona l Cap ital, including the installation of an electric elevator in the Winder Building, not to exceed $10,000; per diem employees at rates of pay approved by the director, not exceeding current rates for similar employment in the District of Columbia; rent of buildings in the Rent, et '- District of Columbia; city directories; contingent expenses; travel- ing expenses and car fare not exceeding $300; communication service; professional, scientific, technical, and law books; periodicals and reference books; blank books and forms; photographs; maps; leather and rubber articles and gas masks for the protection of public property and employees; ' not exceeding $7,000 for uniforms for employees; the maintenance, repair, exchange, storage, and operation of not to exceed one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle; the purc hase, main tena nce, and r epair of equip ment and fixtu res; $851, 000 .

Pri nting and bin d- For all printing and binding for the Office of Public Buildings in g. and P ublic Parks of the Natio nal Ca pital, $3,450 .

Ground for bathing A plot of ground comprising not to excee d forty-two thousand po ol . square feet in the southwest corner of square numbered 3530, being a portion of the site of the McKinley High School and the Langley Junior High School, is hereby made available for one of the bathing pools authorized by the Act approved May 4, 1926 .

Vol. 44, p. 394. Total, Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital, $2,584,980 . SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION

tion. Institn- For expenses of the eneral administrative office, Smithsonian Admi nist rativ e of fice g


expenses. Institution, including an additional assistant secretary at $7 .500 per annum during the present incumbency, compensation of neces- sary employees, traveling expenses, purchase of books and periodi- cals, supplies and equipment, and any other necessary expenses, $32,500. International exchanges : For the system of international changes .national ex- exch anges betw een t he U nited Stat es a nd fo reign cou ntrie s, un der the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including necessary employees, and purchase of necessary books and periodicals, and traveling expenses, $48,208. Amer ica n e thn olo gy : For continuing ethnological researches Americanethnology. among the American Indians and the natives of Hawaii, the excava- tion and pr eserva tion o f arch zeolog ic rema ins un der th e dire ction of the Smithsonian Institution, including necessary employees, the preparation of manuscripts, drawings, and illustrations, the pur- chase of books and periodicals, and traveling expenses, $60,300.