Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1000

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2676 CONVENTION-PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA. NOVEllBER 18, 1927. to collect-on -delivery charges should both countries at any time desire such service. tas a embolsos, no easo dos dois paizes desejarem, em qualquer tempo, esse servi~o. Mutual oommunica· 3 As Adm"st - . tlon ofperoeipost laws, • lnl ra~oes comunI- 3 . The Administration shall communicate to each other from time to time the provisions of their laws or regulations appli- cable to the conveyance of parcels by Parcel Post. etc. carao uma a. outra, de tempos a tempos, as disposi~Oes' das suas leis ou regulamentos aplicaveis a. tl'ansmissao de en com end a s postais. Duration ventlon. of Con· XXVI. DURAQAO DA CONVENQAO. XXVI . DuRATION OF CONVEN- TION. Eftectlve dates. 1. A presente Conven~ao en- trara em vigor e as suas dis- posi~oes serao aplicaveis a partir do primeiro dill, do mes de J ullio 1. This Convention shall take effect and operations thereunder shall begin on the first day of July, 1928. Duration. de 1928. 2. Ela estara. em vigor ate que termine pOI' mutuo acordo; mas pode ser denunciada pOI' aualquer das duas Administra~Oes me- diante notifica~ao feita a. outra com seis meses de antecedencia. 2. It shall remain in force until terminated by mutual agreement; but may be annulled at the desire of either Administration upon six months previous notice gIven to the other Administration. 'l'emporary suspen· Q1 d d Admi' slon of registration or ua quer as uas nlS- Either Administration may temporarily suspend the registra- tion or insurance services, in whole or in part1 when there are special reasons tor doing so, or restrict them to certain offices ; but on the condition that previous and opportune notice of such a mf\8.sure is given to the other Ad- ministration, such notice to be ~ven by the most rapid means If necessary. insurance services. tra~Oes poderi, temporiamente, suspender os servi~os de enco- inendas registadas ou encomendas com valores declarados, no todo ou em parte, quando tiver razOes especials para 0 fazel', ou ras- trmgi-Ios a de term ina d as est~Oes; mas deveri dar dessa medida prev,io e oportuno aviso " outra Administra~ao, aviso que •'-pprovai President. by the sera dad01 se for necessario, palos meios malS rapidos. 3. Feito em duplicado e assi- nado em Washington aos 18 dias do mes de Novemoro de 1927. 3. Done in duplicate and signed at Washington the 18th day of November 1927. [SEAL] JOHN H. BABTLETl', Aoting Postmi0J8ter Geneml. [SEAL.] MAmo COllREA. BARATA DA CRuz, OllUf of tM Postal and Telegraph Department of the MitnAatru for the P~se Ooloni8s. The foregoing Parcel Post Convention between the Portuguese Colonies of West Africa and the Un,ited States of America has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby approved and ratified. In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed this tenth day of April 1928. [SEAL] CALVIN CooLIDGE By the President: FRANK B KEuooo Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, April 10, 19£8.