Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1013

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July 3. 1928. Augullt 16, 1928. 2689 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-HUNGARY. territory of the other contracting Administration. 2. Each Administration shall inform the other to which coun- tries parcels may be sent through it as intermediary. a. To be accepted for onward transmission, parcels sent by one of the contracting Administra- tions through the service of the other Administration must com- ply with the conditions pre- scribed from time to time by the intermediary Administration. XIV. CHECK BY OFFICE OF Ex- CHANGE. 1. On the receiJ?t of a Parcel Mail, the receivmg Office of Exchange shall check it. The insured parcels must be carefully (lompared with the accompanying bills. Any discrepancies or ir- regularities noted shall be imme- diately reported to the dispatch- ing office of exchange by means of a bulletin of verification. If re- port is not made promptly, it will be assumed that the mail and the accompanying bills were in every respect in proper order. 2. In the case of any discrep'- ancies or irre,.,uarities m a ma~, such record snall be kept as will permit of the furnishing of infor- mation regarding the matter in eonnection with any subsequent investigation or claim for in- demnity which may be made. 3. If a parcel bill is missing a duplicate shall be made out and a (lOPY sent to the dispatching office of exchange from which the dispatch was received. 4. Insured parcels bearing evi- dence of violation or damage must have the facts noted on them and be marked with the stamp of the office making the note, or a docu- ment drawing attention to the violation or damage must be for- warded with the parcels. gokba, illetve mindazokb61 az or- szlLgokb61, amelyekkel csomag- postai Oszszekotte~iink van. 2. Az igazgatasok kozlik egy- Notice to countries. mll.ssal, hogy az 6 kozveti~ilkkel terUletilkon At mely orszagokba lehet csomagokat kUldeni. 3. Az egyik szerz6d6 igazga- Conditions to be tll.snak a masik . azgatas szol- complied wtth. galata utiAn tov~bitand6 cso- magjai cs8.k akkor fogadhat6k el a tovAbbitasra, ha azok a koz vetit6 igazgatas lI.ltal id6r6I-id6re megfillapitott felMteleknek meg- felelnek. XIV. MEGVIZSGALAS A KICSE - eJ:~:'. by amos of RtL6 HIVATALNAL. 1. A rendelteMsi kicser~16 hiva- onP~ty at reoeIviDI tal az Atvett csomagzll.rlatot ko.. . teles megvizsglllni. Az 6rMknyil- vlLnitll.ssiU ellatott csomagokat gondosan assze ken hasonlitani a kis~r6 rovatlapokkal. A elMr6seket vagy szabaly talans6. - gokat visszajelenMs utj6.n azonnal az indit6 kicsere16 hivata.l tu- domas6.ra ken hozni. Azonnal ktlldott visszajelent6s hianyll.ban az a feltev6s 6rv6nyes, hogy a zll.rlat 6s a kis6r6 rovatlapok minden tekintetben teljesen rend- ben vannak. 2. Ha valamely z6.rlatban el- anr:t::Yrd of cl.llcnpo Mr6st vagy szabll.lytalansagot ta. - . laJ.nak i t6ny6.llAsi jegyzc5konyvet ken fe venni, amelynek az eeetre vonatkoz6 mindama adatokat tar- talmaznia kell, amelyek az esetle- ges kffic5bbi vizsgll.lathoz, vagy kArMri t6si elj 6.rashoz szilks6gesek. 3. Ha valamely rovatlap hi6. - Dupllcateparoel bill. nysik, maeodlatot kell ki6.llitani 6s err51 masolatot ken ktlldeni ama indit6 kicSerel5 hiv:atal r~- s6re, amelyWI a zll.rlat 6rkezett. 4. Ha valamely m-MknyilvlLni- d8t;!.TarmstroBot (talk)eto~f evident tll.ssal ellll.tott csomagon a 8m-tiMs vagy kll.r nyilvanval6 jelei 16.ts- zanak, e Mnyt a csomag()kon fel kell jegyezni 6s azt el kelliatni a feljegyz6st v6gzlS hivata.l bettiz5- ~~vel vagy pedig a csomaghoz legyzlSkonyvet kell mellekelni, amelyben a s6rtll6s vagy kll.r Moy6re kell a figyelmet felhivni.