Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1016

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2692 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-HUNGARY. JulT 8, 1928. Auau8t 16, 1928. shall be returned to the sender without previous notification. New poetage, etc., New post~e as well as new insur- required. ance fees, m the case of insured parcels (which must be returned in the same kind of mail as re- ceived), may be collected from the sender and retained by the Administration making the col- lection. Requests from sender 2. The sender of a parcel may allowed. request, at the time of mailing, that, if the parcel cannot be de- livered as addressed, it shall be either (a) treated as abandoned, or (b) tendered for delivery at a second address in the country of destination. No other alterna- tive is admissible. If the sender avails himself of this facility, his request must appear on the parcel or on a Dispatch Note or Customs Declaration attached to or stuck on the parcel and must be in con- formity with or analogous to one of the following forms: Forma. II If not deliverable as addressed ___ __ ___ __ __ __ 'Abandon' ." "If not deliverable as addressed __________ 'Deliver to_____ '." Time for returning 3 E t th' nondeliverable parcels • xcep as 0 el'WlSe pro- . vided, lmdeliverable parcels will be returned to the senders B.t the expiration of tl:irty daye from the date of receipt at the post office of destination, while refused par- cels will be returned at Ol1ce, the parcels in ea0h case to be marked to show the reason for non- delivery. DL~poeal of perish· 4 . Articles liable to deteriora- able articles.. • dh tion or corruptIOn, an t ese only! may however, be sold im- mediately even on the outward or return journey without pre- vious notice or judicial formality for the benefit of the right :party. If for any reason a sale 18 im- possible, the spoilt or worthless articles shall be <;lestroyed. The sale or destruction shall be re- sites nelkUI a felad6hoz kell visszaktildeni. A fela.d6t61 uj postadij..t es erteknyilvlwitassal ellatott csomag eseteben, (ame- lyeket ugyanugy kell visszaktil- deni, ahogy azok erkeztek) uj ertekdijat lehet szedni. Ezt a dijat az az igazgatas tartja meg, amelyik azoka.t beszedte. 2. A csomag felad6ja a fela- daskorkivimhatja,hogy acsomag- jat, ha azt a cimzes6nek me~ele­ Men nem lehetett kezbeslteni i (a) kezeljek ugy, mint amelyrd lemondott, vagy (b) a rendel- tet6si ol'Szltgban levd masodik cimzettnek kezbestisek. Mas kerelem nem terjeszthet(S eM. Ha a felad6 el ezzel a lehet6seggel, kerelmet a csomagra vagy a csomagra erdsitett vagy ahhoz ttizott sza.llit61eveIre, Uletve va- ma.runyilatkozatra koteles irni es pedig a kovetkez(S minta.k egyike- vel megegyezoon vagy ahhoz hasonl6an : "If not deliverable as addressed ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ _ 'Abandon'." "Ha a cim szerint nem kezbesi- theM, ____________ a csomagr61 lemondok." "If not deliverable as addressed __ ___ __ 'Deliver to ________ ' ." "Ha a cim szerint nem Kezbesi- theM, ____ kezbestitsek ___ nek." 3. EllenkezlS intezkedes hianya- ban a kezbesithetetlen csomago- kat a felad6knak knell vissaza- ktildeni es pedig a rendeltetesi hivatalhoz val6 beerkezest61 sza- mitott harmine nap mulva; azo- kat a csomagokat azonban, ame- lyeket visszautasitottak, azonnal vissza kell ktildeni. A csomagokat minden esetben el kell latni a kezbesithetetlenseg okat felttin- teM ra.gjeggyel. 4. Egyedtil a megrOlnlasnak vagy tonkremenesnek kitett targ- yakat lehet es pedig akar az odasza.llitasnal, akar a terti uton, azonnal es minden erte- sites vagy bir6i eljaras nelktil a jogositott f~l javara eladni. Ha valamely okb61 az eladas nem lehetseges, a megromlott v8.g! ~rtektelen targyakat meg knell semmisiteni. Az eladasr61