Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/102

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1778 SEVENTIET.rI CONGRESS. SE88. I. Cn.500. 1928. Mary A. Lancmeyer. The name of Ma!)' A. Langmeyer, widow of Gregory Langmeyer, late of Company CJ One hunc'l·:ed and sixty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteer InllLIltry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. . Mary A. Lawbead. The name of Mary_ A. Lawhead, wldow of Benjamin Lawhead, late of Company E, Eighteenth Regiment United States Volunteer Infatltry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $80 ~r month. Carrie E. Block. The name of Carrie E. Block. widow of John BlOck, late of Com- pany E, Sixteenth Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry, and Mary L. SmUll. Company D, Third Regiment New York Provisional Volunteer Cavalry, and pay- her a~nsion at the rate of $30 per month. The n&Ule of Mary L. Smith, widow of Parker T. Smi~ alias Thomas P. Smith, late of Company B, E~th ~giment Missouri State Militia Cavalry and Company A, Hickory County Battalion Missouri Home Guards, and pay her a pension ~t the rate of $30 per month. habtlle E. Embry. The name of Isabelle E. Embry, former widow of David Coats, Jate of Company B, Seventeenth Regiment Kentucq Volunteer Infantry-and COmpany C, One hundred and forty-ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay her al pension at the rate of $30 per month. Mary E. Packer. The name of Mary E. Packer, widow of Storer Packer, late of Company E, Fifty-first Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. William B. Bo\land. The name of William H. Holland, helpless and dependent son of Henry W. Holland, late of Company K, One hundred and tenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $20 per month. 1_ C . Cambrldp. The name of Jesse C. Cambridge, helpless and dependent son of Samuel Cambridge, late of Company D, Second Regiment Maine Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a penBlon at the rate of $20 per Sarah 1. Clark. Mary E. Edel. month. The name of Sarah J. Clark, widow of John F. Clark, late of Company G, Eleventh Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. The name of Mary· E . Edes widow of William L. Edes, late of Company B, First Battalion, 'Maine Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 :per month. ()e(qeH. Fortier. The name of Geol'ge H. Fortier, helpless and dependent son of Levi Fortier, late of Company H, Twt>lfth Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, and fay him a ~nsion at the rate of $20 per month. IIattleE.J'obnaoD. The name 0 Hattie E. Johnsol!l widow of John W. P . Johnson, alias John W. Pickels, late of vompany E, Fifteenth Relriment Maine Volunter Infantry and Company D, Eighth Regiment United States Veteran Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month and increase the rate to $30 per month when she shall have shov.n by competent evidence she has attained the age of sixty years. Sidney Potter. The name of Sidney Potte~ helpless and dependent son of Simeon Potter, late of Company E, Twenty-fourth Regiment Maine Volun- teer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $20 per month. Oeorae E. Spear. The name of George E. Spear, helpless and dependent son of Edward F. S}>ear, late Of Company B, Twenty-sixth Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, and pay fiim a pension at the rate of $20 per month. Eliza KIng. The name of Eliza King, widow of John H. King, late of Com- pany G, Fourteenth Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $80 per month. Sarah C. Mathews. The name of Sarah C. Mathews, widow of Isaac Mathews, late of Company E, Thirty.sixth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry,