Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1020

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2696 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-HUNGARY. July 8. 1928. Aqult 16, \928. adjustment of indemnity claims in connection therewith, not cov- ered by this Convention shall be ~verned by the provisions of the Universal Postal Union Conven! tion and the Detailed Regulations for its Execution, in so far as they are applicable and not in- Internal eglslatlon to consistent WIth the provisions of govern. this Convention, and then if no other arrangement has been made, the internal legislation, regula- tions and rulings of the United States of America and Hungary, according to the country involved, shall govern. m~~nges. ~Po,!'l 2. The Postmaster General of 1lJlC6. the United States of America and the Director General of Posts of Hungary shall have authority jointly to make from time to time by correspondence such changes and modifications and further regulations of order and detail as may become necessary to facilitate the operation of the services contemplated by this Convention as well as to provide arrangements for the registra- tion of parcel-post rackages and for the exchange 0 parcels sub- ject to collect-on -delivery charges should both countries at any Mutual oommunlca- time desire such services. ~orpe.rcelpostlaws. 3. The Administrations shall communicate to each other from time to time the provisions of their laws or regulations applic- able to the conveyance of parcels by Parcel Post, including the tariff applicable and all modifica- tions of the tariff. gyaban k~rt t6rtivev~nyek kiAlli- tasll.ra ~s kezelb!~re, tovabbl!. az ugyanezekkel kapcsolatban ben- yujtott kart~ritb!i k~relmek elin- Mz~~re vonatkozik ~ amelyre ez a szerz<'Sd~ nem tartalmaz inMz- ked~t, az Egyetemes Postae- gyesi.ilet szerz<'Sd~~nek ~ foga- natosit6 szabalyzatanak hataro- zatait kell alkalmazni, ameny- nyiben ezek alkalmazhat6k ~ a jelen szerz<'Sd~ hatarozataival Os- szeegyeztethetlSk. llyen szabaly hianyaban az Amerikai Egyesi.ilt Allamoknak, illetve Magyaror- szagnak-a szerint, hogy melyik orszag van ~tve-belfoldi tor- v~nyei, rendeletei ~ szabalyai ryernek alkalmazast. 2. Az Amerikai Egyeswt Alla- mok postavez~rigazgat6j a ~s M~­ yarorszag postavez~rigazgat6Ja.. jogositva.. Tannak idlSrlSl-idlSre eg- yiittesen lev~lvaltas utjan olyan valtoztatasokban, m6dositasok- - ban es tovabbi reszletszabalyoza- sokban megallapodni, amelyek e szer zlSd~s altaI tervezett szolgalat v~grehajtasanak meg- konnyiMs~re sziiksegesek lesznek. Ugynigy joguk van az ajlt.nlott ~s utanveteles csomagszolgalat berendez~~ben is megallapodni, ha a k~t orszag bll.rmiker ilyen szolgalatokat kivanatosnak tart. 3. Azigazgatasok kotelesekidlS- rlSi idl>re kozolni egymlt.ssal a.. torv~nyeiknek ~ rendeleteiknek a csomagpostaval tovabbitand6 csom~okra alkalma:rand6 hata- rozatalt, bele~rtve az alkalmaza- zand6 dijszabast ~s annak minden m6dosi tasat. tlPn~tlon or Conven- XXVI. DURATION OF CONVEN- • XXVI. A SZERZ6DES TARTAMA. Effective date. Duration. TION. 1. This Convention shall take effect and operations thereunder shall begin on a date to be mutu- ally settled between the Ad- ministrations of the two coun- tries. 2. It shall remain in force un- til one of the two contracting Administrations has given notice to the other, six months in ad- vance, of its intention to ter- minate it. 1. Ez a szerz<'Sd~ ~letbe lep ~ hatarozata.inak alkalmazasa meg- kE\zdlSdik ama napon, amelyet a.. ket orsz~ igazgatasai kolcson6sen megallapltanak. 2. A szerz6d~s ~rvenyben ma- raa mindaddig, amig a ket szer- z<'Sd6 igazgatas kozul az egyik nem ~rtesiti a.. roasikat-hat h6val megellSzlSen-arr61, hogy azt tovabb fentartani nero 6hajtJa.