Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1176

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2852 " Uses dll6ignated. INTERNATIONAL RADIO CONVENTION. NOVEMBER 25,1927. Frequencle3 In kOocyoies per NCODd (kc/s) Approxlmat. wave lenlths Inmeten Swvloea 7, 300- 8, 200 41 - 36.3 FlIed_vices. 8,- - t MO se.e - 16.1 Moblle_v~. 8,MO- IlOO BILl - 33.7 Mobllt lel'vioell and llIed IWVI •• 8, 900- II , 600 33 .7- 81.1 J1ud_vlces. II,~II,MO 11.1 - 81.2 Broedeutlng. II, Il00-11 , 000 31.2 - 27.3 FlIed_vices. 11,000-11,400 27.8 - 26.3 Mobile services. 11,400 -11 ,700 26.3 - 25.6 FlIed _vices. 11,700 -11 ,200 211. I - 25.2 Broad_tlng. 11, Il00 -12 , 300 211.2 - 24.4 FIDd~ices. 12, 300-12, 1125 24.4 - 23 .4 MobOe services. 12,~13,3Ml 28.4 - 22.4 Mobo. servloee and llIed .- vI- . 13,3.50-14,000 22. 4 - 21.4 Fixed services. H, 000-14, 400 21.4 - 20.8 Amateurs. 14, 400-~ 100 :11.8 - 19.~ FIDd swvIees. 15,10(H MIl 19.85- 19.55 BroadC88tlng. 16, 3.50-16 , 400 19.55- 18. 3 FlIed awvtces. 16,400 -17 ,100 18. 3 - 17 .5 MobUe ~Ices. 17, UXH7 , 750 17.5 ... 16.~ Mobile services and 1lIed servI- . 17, 71iO-17, 800 11.9 - 16 .85 Broadcasting. 17, 800-21, 450 16.85- 14 FlIed services. 21, 4so-21 , 650 I4 - 13 .9 BrOlldC88tlng. 21, 5IiO-22 . 300 13 .0 - 13.45 MobOe services. 22, 300-23, 000 13.45- 13.1 Mobile services and llIed services. 23, 000-28, 000 13.1 - 10.7 Not reserved. 28,()()(h'j() .000 10.7- 10 Amateurs and experimental. 30, OOO-M, 000 10 - 5.85 Notr~ed. ~1XXHlO, 000 5.35- 5 Amateurs and experimental. A veGa,OOO Below 5 Not reeerved. NOTli. -1t Is recognized that short WIVes (frequencies from 6,000 to 23,000 kc/s approxlmstely-wave lenlths from 50 to 18m approximately) are very elllolent foc 10111 dlnanoe communications. It Is recom· mended that 118 a general rule this band of wavea be ~ed for tbll purpoee, In services between llIed points. §8. (1) Use of Type B waves of a frequency of less than 375 kc/s (wave lengths above 800 m.) shall be forbidden beginning January 1, 1930, subject to the provisions of pal'agraph 1 of the present Article and except for existin~ land stations. (2) No new transIDltting installations using Type B waves shall be made in ships or in aircraft beginning January 1, 1930, except when such transmitters working on full power shall dissipate less than 300 watts measured at the input of the supply transformer at audible frequency. (3) The use of Type B waves of all frequencies shall be forbidden beginning Janl)ary 1~ 1940, except for transmitters fulfilling the condi- tions as to power indicated in (2) above. (4) No new Type B transmitting installation shall henceforth be made in a land or fixed station. Waves of this type shall be forbidden in all land stations beginning Januarrl, 1935. §9. The use of Type A3 waves shall not be authorized between 100 and 160 kc/s (3,000 and 1,875 m.) . §10. The use of Type A2 waves shall not be authorized between 100 and 150 kc/s (3,000 and 2,000 m.), except in the band 100-125 kc/s (3,000-2,400 m.), for time signals exclusively. , §1l. In the band 460-550 kc/s (650-545 m.) no type of emission likely to render inoperative the distress, alarm, security, or urgent signals sent on 500 kc/s (600 m.) shall be authorized. §12. In pIinciple, any station carrying on a service between fixed points on a wave with a frequency below 110 kc/s (wave lengths above 2,725 m. ) must use only one frequency, chosen from the bands allocated to that service (section 7 above), for each of its trans- mitters capable of simultaneous operation. A station shall not be permitted to use a frequency other than that allocated, as stated above for a service between fixed foints. §13. In principle, stations shal employ the same frequencies and the same types of emission for the transmission of mel?:3ages by the one-way method as for their normal service. Regional arrangements may be made, however, with a view to exempting stations concerned from the application of this rule.