Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1372

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3026 INDEX. Bicelow, Adelbert E. <eon), Pace. pension____________________________ 1907 Bigelow, LilliGn (tDidoto), pension___ ______ __ __ __ _____________ 1767 Bigger, Rosine (widow), pension____________________________ 1746 Biggers, Ark., bridge authorUed acrotlS Current River, at___________________________ 516 Biggs, 9eor.gia G. (widow), penSIon lllcreaaed___________________ 2211 Biggs, .Ma~1I A. (widow), penSIon lllcreased___________________ 2190 Biggs, .Sar~h E. (widow), pensIOn lllcreased_ _ ___ _ ________ ___ __ 2229 Biles, ¥arll J. (widow), pensIOn lllcreased___________________ 2123 BiUings, Emma Elderkin (widow), BJU:;~~nA{~ry- C. -(~ '; f, -- - - --- --- - - - 1735 Bill!:4.~~;Ii.(~~),--------------- 1884 penslon mcreaaed___________________ 2065 Binga,,!an,. Theresa (widow), penSlon lllcrease<L__________________ 2051 Bingha.m, george, penSlon lllCreased _____________ " _____ 1834 Binghamton, N. Y ., appropriation for acquiring land for ex- tending public building aL____ 178 Binkley, Mary M. (widow), pension____________________________ 1769 BintlijJ, Mina, deemed dependent mother for purposes of Employees' Compensation Act_________________________ 2337 Biographical Congressional Directory, deficiency appropriation for prepara. - tion and preservation oL______ 885 Biologic Products, appropriation for regulating sale, etc., of ________________________ 175,1040 deficiency appropriation for regulating sale, etc. oC _______ ~ _________ 1619 BiologicalSurttey Bureau, Department of Agriculture, appropriation for Chief of Bureau, and office personneL ______ _____ 558, 1209 for game reservations, bird preserves, etc ______ __ ____ ________ __ _ 558, 1209 dam, Cold Spring Creek__________ 558 purchase of game, etc _ _______ 558, 1209 for investigating, etc., food habits of birds and other animals_ _ _ _ 558, 1209 destroying wolves, coyotes, etc_ 559, 1209 suppressing rabies in wild ani- mals _____________________ 559, 1209 for rearing, etc., fur bearing an- imals__ ____ __ __________ ___ 558, 1209 for investigating migration, etc., of animals and pla.nts__ _______ 559, 1209 for enforcing Migratory Bird Act_ 559, 1209 for preventing shipments of illegally killedbirdsandgame ________ 559,1209 for improving reindeer industry in Alasks ____________________ 559,1210 forenforcingAlaskagamelaw ____ 559,1210 investigation as to feasibility of co- operative program for eradica- tion, etc., of predatory animals_ 559 for acquiring areas for upper Missis- sippi River Refuge____________ 559 deficiency appropriation for general ex- penses__ ______ ____ __ ___ ___ __ _ 933 Biological Survey Bureau, Departrr..ent of Paxe_ Agriculture-Continued. deficiency appropriation for Bear River migratory bird refuge___ _______ 895 for surfacing highway through Sully's Hill National Park ___________ 1634 for enforcing Migratory Bird Con- servation Act____ __________ ___ 1634 for salaries, 1929__________________ 1677 Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge, maximum price for lands, etc., increased_ _ _ ____ ___ 502 Birche~, A~na M. (widow), penSIOn lllcreased___________________ 1921 Bird, 0zz~e M. (widow), pensIOn lncreased_ _ _________________ 2152 Bird, t:heb~ M. (widow), pensIOn lncreased _____ - __ ____ ____ ___ 1738 Bird Pre8ervea, appropriation forprotection, etc ___ 558, 1209 Bird Refuge, Utah, Bear River Migratory, appropriation for establishing_________ 1210 Birih, Migratory, etc., appropriation for enforcing law protect- ing _______________________ 559, 1209 proclamation amending regulations for protecting___ _________________ 2901, 2905,2922,2942, 2~56,2964 Birmingham, Ala., deficiency appropriation for public building, at__________________ 34 sale authorized of old post office, etc., propertyat__________________ 1307 Birt, Clara I. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2285 Birtcie~, Mfnerva J. (widow), penSIOn lncreased___________________ 2271 BishoP! Alice (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ ____ _____ ________ 2120 BishoP! Ho;rriet J. (widow), penslOn mcreased___________________ 2243 BishoP! Idr: (widow). pensIOn mcreased_ _ _______ __________ 2088 BtshoP! JaTte C. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ __ _______ ___ _____ 1911 Bi3hoP! Jo~ephine C. (widow), penSIOn mcreased___________________ 2126 BishoPI Lucy H. (widow), penSlon increased___________________ 2089 Bi8hoP1 Mr:ry C. (widow), penSIOn mcreased_ _____ ___ __________ 2126 Bishopp, Frances R. (widow), penslon_ ______________ ___ ___ ______ _ 1802 Bismarck, N. Dak., appropriation for Indian school aL _ 218, 1579 deficiency appropriation for Indian school, additional land _________ 901 purchase of adjoining land for Indian School director, aL___________ 366 price limitj appropriation authorized 367 Bissell,. Car:rie ~widow), penSIon mcreased___________________ 1964 Bitner,.Re~ecca J. (widow), penSIOn lncreased _ __________________ 1905 Bixler, Harry, alias Harry Bicksler (8on), penmon____________________________ 2226 Bjork, William E., pension____________________________ 2315 Black, Albert H., penmon____________________________ 1993 Black, :1lic.e (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ __________________ 2205 Black, :1nf!4 M. (widow), penf<IOn mcreased___________________ 2203