Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1423

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INDEX. 3077 Cram, !l~ia L. (widow), Pue. penSlOn lncreased_ __________________ 2250 Cram, !Au~a A. (widow), pension lDcreased_ __________________ 2293 Cramer, Carrie M. (ooughUr), pensioD____________________________ 1803 Cra1Mr, Lul~, credit allowed in accounts oL________ 2330 Cramton, LoU (widow), pen&on____________________________ 2163 CrandaJl, l!et3ey (widow), penslOn lDcreased___________________ 1915 CrandaJl, l!dith (widow), pensIOn lDCreased_ __________________ 2081 Cranda.ll, ~arah C. (widou), penBlon lDcreased___________________ 1954 Crandall, Suphen L. (son), pension_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ______________ ___ 1766 Crane, Carrie 1. (widow), pension___________________________ 1934 Crane,.Lirkf. M . (widow), penSlonlncreased________ .. __________ 2169 Crane, .Ma~ha 1. (widow), penSlon lDcreased___________________ 1873 Crane, .Ma~y B. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased___________________ 1736 Cranmer, MatildtJ (widow), pension___________________________ 2290 Cramtl!n, Jflizabeth H. (widow), pensIOn lDcreased___________________ 1876 Crary, .Sm~m C. (widow), per.slOn lDcreased___________________ 1742 Crater Lake National Park! Oreg., appropriation for comnussioner _____ 79,1110 for administration, etc _________ 233,1596 deficiency appropriation for insect con- trol work_ _ __________________ 1643 Crater National Forut, Oreg., exchange of lands authorized for addi- tion to_ _ _ _ _ _________________ 450 public lands added to_______________ 450 revested Oregon and California grant lands within area, included_____ 450 Craters of the Moon National Monument, 10000, proclamation enlarging area oL______ 2959 Cravate, Mary (widow), pension_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________________ 1771 Craven, Howard B. (lion), pension_ _ _ __ _ _ ____________________ 1775 Crawford, Alice F. (widow), pension_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _____________ 1758 Crawford, ~atherine (widow), pension lDcreased___________________ 1882 Crawford, Cordelia (widow), pension___________________________ 1837 Crawford, {ane A. (widow), pension mcreased___________________ 2266 Crawford, ¥argaret (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ __________________ 2087 Crawford, ¥ary P. (widow), penSlOn mcreased___________________ 2211 Crawford, ~iUiam, pensIOn mcreased___________________ 1837 Crawle1!, A!ary A. (widow), pension mcreased___________________ 1967 Creamer, Margaret W. (widow), pansion_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ __ _________ ____ _ 1933 Crecelim, Maggie (widow), pension__ _________________________ 2313 Creek Indiam, Okla. (,ee also Five Civi- Pap. lized Tr'.bes) , appropriation for tribal schools_______ 216 for common schools ____________ 220,1580 for per capita payments, from tribal funds_______________________ 1584 Creek Nation, advancement from tribal fund, for expenses of attorneys in claims of, against United States_ _ _ _ _ _ 944 payment to Eloise Childers, for allot- ment of land_________________ 2035 Effa Cowe, for allotment of land____ 2036 Leah Frankl for allotment of land_ __ 2035 time extendea for filing suit in Court of Claims, by________________ 1230 unexpended balance of appropriation for equalizing allotments, etc., cov- ered in______________________ 215 Creel&boro, Ky., bridge authorized across Cumberland River, at____________________ 615 time extended for bridgiug Cumberland River, at____________________ 1528 Crm" Therua (daughter), pension increased_ __________________ 1815 CreUey, Margaret (widou), pension increased__________________ 2156 CreUy, Mary (widow), pension increased_ __________________ 2065 Crematorium, D. C., Publie, appropriation for maintenance, etc_ 669, 1285 containers for receiving ashes of the indigent to be provided_ _ 669, 1285 Creosote, proclamation decreasing duty on, to equalize differences in costs of Crullell., TarmstroBot (talk)uJ::(~);----------- 2918 pension mcreased_ __________________ 2186 Cruylic Acid, proclamation decreasing duty on, to equalize differences in costs of Crete, NJ:.~duction------------------- 2918 deficiency appropriationfor public build- ingat _______________________ 1657 Cricket8, provisions relating to homestead entry- men in designated counties of Colorado, failing to maintain required residence owing to in- cursion of swarms oL_________ 1157 Crier" UniUd Statu Courts, appropriation for pay _____________ 81,1112 deficiencY' appropriation for pay______ 21 Crigler, El,zabeth H. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2148 Crimes, appropriation for detection and prose- cution oL _________________ 78,1108 protectin~ the President_______ 78, 1108 preservation, etc., of criminal iden- tification records ____________ 78,1108 for suppressing counterfeiting and other _____________________ 173,1038 deficiency appropriation for detection and prosecution 01- __ _ _ __ _ 1617,1645 no trial, etc., for offenses, not capital, unless indictment found, etc., ~~n \t:ol_~_~~r__TarmstroBot (talk) 02:21, 7 January 2012 (UTC) 51 not applicable if indictment hereto- fore found, etc _______________ _ 51