Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1431

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INDEX. 3085 Defici.enciu,lnoome Ta.z, p.... Deficiency Act, Pi4C4l Year 1918, Second- p ... .. . provisions for useaament and collection Continued. of___________________________ 852 for General Accounting Office_________ 887 jeopardy &BIIeII8Dlents, etc ___ ~______ 854 for George Ro~ qIArk Seequlcenten- De~ Act FiM:ol Year 19B8 Pir,t nial COmmIB8lOD ______ h _n __ _ 887 lor8eDate..-'__________ :. _____ ~ ____~__ 2 for George Washington Bioentenni&l for House of Representatives_________ 3 COmmission. ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ _ for Joint Committee to Investigate for Pel'l7'a Victory Memorial Commie- Northern P&eifio Land Grants__ 3 81On ________________________ _ for Architect of the CapitoL _ _ _____ __ 4 for Personnel C1asai1icati'Hl Board.. _ __ _ for Botanio Garden_________________ 4 for Public Buildinp and Public Parka for Government Printing Offioe_______ 4 of the National CapitaL ______ _ for Library of COngrt;!l8______________ 4 for Smithsonian Inatitution _________ _ for Executive Offioe_________________ 4 for United States Shipping Board ____ _ for Civil Service COmmission_________ 5 for VeteraDa' Bureau _______________ _ for EmJ?lorees' Compenaation Com- for District of COlumbia ____________ _ 1D18810n______________________ 5 for Department of Agriculture_______ _ for Federal Radio COmmiuion_____ n _ 5 for Department of COmmerce ____ n __ for General Acco~ting Offioe_________ 6 for Interior Department ____________ _ for International Trade Exhibition___ 6 for Departmeniof Justioo __________ _ for Interstate Commerce COmmission. _ 6 United States oourts _____________ _ for National Advisory Committee for penal institutions ________________ _ Aeronautics__________________ 6 for De~ment of Labor___________ _ for Public Buildingll and Publio Parks for Navy Department ______________ _ of National CapitaL__________ 6 for Post OfIlce Department__________ _ for Smithsonian Institution___________ 6 for Department of State ____________ _ fQl'Tariff CODlJlli. -ion_______________ 6 International 0=" tions, etc _______ _ for Veterana' Bureau________________ 7 for Treaaury De t ___________ _ for District of COlumbia_____________ 7 settlement of ar Claims_________ _ for Department of Agriculture________ 11 Cape Cod CaDa:l bonda ___________ _ for Department of COmmerce________ Hi publio buildingL. ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ _ for Interior Department_____________ 17 for War Department_______________ _ for Department of Justice____________ 19 Army __________________________ _ fo;r~~aJ~~:f~~rTarmstroBot (talk)========= ~g for.&tA:-=~_TarmstroBot (talk)t~_TarmstroBot (talk)=:: for Navy Department_______________ 23 under~cial Acts _______________ _ Navy____________________________ 24 under Lever Act _________________ _ 888 888 888 888 889 889 889 889 894 896 898 90ti 90ti 906 907 907 909 910 911 914 914 914 916 92li 926 931 931 931 931 for Post Office Department___________ 26 California Dorthenl diatrict, eealing for DeJ.>artment of State_____________ 27 08IIe8________________________ 931 Forelgn Service___________________ 27 for judgmen~IA~urt 'If Claims.. _ __ _ _ _ 932 for Treasury Department. _ __ _ ___ __ __ 29 for claims oenmea by General Account- refunding internal revenue taxes____ 30 ing OfIloe __________________ 932,937 public btiildings___________________ 31 for private property d&ma&es--------- 938 for American Printing House for the titleofAct.________________________ 938 Blind.___________________ ____ 34 DeJicimc1l Ad, Fiacal Yeor, 1919, Pir,t, for War Department________________ 35 lor Seliate_________________________ 1607 Army____________________________ 35 for House of RepreaentativeB_________ 1607 nonmilitary activities______________ 37 for Join~ CommftteeoD Inaugural Cere- for judgments, United States oourts___ 39 monies of 1929_______________ 1608 for judgmentsl Court of Claims_______ 40 for Joint Committee to Investigate for claims certified by General Account- Northern Paclfio Land Grants__ 1608 ing Office _________________ 41,43,45 for Architect of the Capitol _ ________ 1608 for certified private claims___________ 50 new House of Representatives Offioe travel expenses allowed oivili&na when Bulldink_____________________ 1608 transferred from one oflicwsta- for Library of COngreM-_ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ 1608 tion toanother_______________ 50 for Botanio Garden_________________ 1609 title of Act______________ ___________ 50 for United States Supreme Court Build- correction in enrollment o~ directed__ _ 2389 Ing Co1DlJlisBion_ _ _ _ __________ 1609 De~te~:_TarmstroBot (talk)_:~~!_:~~!.~~_ 883 for PO~o~_02:22, 7 January 2012 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk): 1609 for House of Represent8.tive&_________ 884 for Department of Agriculture_______ 1609 for Joint Commlttee on Printing_""_ __ _ 885 for Department of COmmerce________ 1609 for Architect of the CapitoL_________ 885 for Interior DeP&rtment._ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ 1610 for Government Printing Oflice_______ 886 for Department of Justice___________ 1610 for Memorial to Women of the World United States oourts______________ 1610 War_________________________ 886 for Navy Department_______________ 1611 for Joint Committee to Investigate for Post Offioe Department. __ _ _ _ _ __ _ 1611 Northern Pacific Land Grants__ 886 for DeJ?&rlmento(State _____________ 1611 for Board of Tax Appeals____________ 886 Foreign Service buildings fund_____ 1612 for Bureau of Efficlency_____________ 886 for Treasury Department____________ 1613 for Civil Service COmmission_________ 886 refunding intemal revenue taxes____ 1613 for Employees' Compensation Commis- Bureau of Prohibition_____________ 1613 aion_________________________ 886 Federal Farm Loan Bureau________ 1613 for Federal Oil Conservation Board___ 8871 publio buildings__________________ 1614 for Federal Radio Commission________ 887 for War Department, Pacific Branch for Federal Trade Commission________ 887 Volunteer Soldiers' Home______ 1614