Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1476

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31'10 INDEX. Forest Fires-Continued. ddiciency appropriation for fighting, etc., in national forests; insect infest8t,jons _________________ _ for fighting, etc., in national forests_ for emergency, fighting, national parks_ amount authorized for investigating wilather conditioas relationship to __________________________ _ Forest I n.<ects, Page. 12 1633 1644 701 appropriation for study oL__ _ _ _ __ _ 558, 1208 amount authorized for developing methods for preventing infesta- tions of, including gypsy and browntail moths______________ _ 701 Forest Pathology, appropriation for investigating diseases of tree3 and shrubs____________ 1200 Forest Products, Timber Growing, etc., investigations, tests, etc., directed to determine best methods of refor- estation, timber growing, etc __ _ cooperation with ir.dividuals, agen- cies, etc _____________________ _ for tests of foreign woods with foreign agencies, etc__________ _ money contributions received to constitute a special fund ______ _ appropriation of special fund, and use authorized _______________ _ building construction limited ______ _ amounts for specified obj"cts author- ized annually up to 1938 ______ _ for incre'l3e9 authorized for special emerg.mcy in tree diseases, in- sects, and forest wild life _____ _ provisions of Act supplemental to, and not limiting, other Departmental Acts, etc____________________ _ maintenance of experiment stations for fire, silvicultural, etc., investiga- tion ________________________ _ designation and locality of stations __ additional, in Utah, etc., Alaska, Hawaii, West Indies possessions, and in Southern States _______ _ annual appropriations authorized for_ amount authorized for investigations of diseases of forest trees, etc ____ _ for developing methods for prevent- ing infestations of forest in- sects, etc ____________________ _ for developing methods of manage- ment and control of forest ani- mals, birds, and wild life______ _ ()f relationship of weather condltions to forest fires, to make weather forecasts ____________________ _ for developing improved methods of management of forest ranges for protection of timber, watersheds, etc_________________________ _ for utilizing physical and chemical properties of wood and other forest products, pulp and paper making, etc _________________ _ additional for foreign woods, etc __ for cooperation with States for survey of present and prospective re- quirements for timber and other forest products, productivity of forest land, etc ______________ _ for reforestation, the costs and re- turns, and possibility of profit- able timber growing, etc ______ _ 699 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 702 702 Forest Pr'oleelion, Page. appropriation for cooperative farm for- estry, etc _ _ _______________ 555, 1206 for procuring forest tree seed and plants, establishing farm wood lots, etc ___________________ 556,1206 for acquiring additional lands for conservation of navigable wa- ters, etc _ _________________ 556, 1206 deficiency appropriation for acquiring lands for conservation purposes_ 895 Forest Protection Week, 1928, proclamation designating \pril 22 to 28, 1928, as_ _ ______ __________ 2941 Forest Reserves (see National Forests). Forest Roads and Trails, appropriation for construction, etc_ 569, 1220 apportionment to States, etc __ 569, 1220 approved projects deemed Federal contractual obligations _____ 569, 1220 payment of incurred obliga- tions ______________________ 569,1220 limit to a State or Territory ___ 569,1221 buildings for storage of supplies, etc., authorized ____________ 569,1221 Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, appropriation for general expenses_ 552, 1202 tests outside United States for- bidden ____________________ 552,1202 limit of cost of buildings ______ 553,1202 protection, etc., of forests; sale of timber____________________ 553, 1203 for general expenses; care of fish and game ____________________ 553,1203 agents, labor, etc ____________ 553,1203 collating, printing, etc., investiga- tions _____________________ 553,1203 supplies, etc_________________ 553,1203 interchangeable appropriations; limiL ____________________ 554, 1204 for fighting and preventing forest fires ______________________ 554,1204 for airplane patrol; purchase of land or airplanes forbidden _______ 554, 1204 fOl' selecting, etc., lands for home- stead entries, etc ___________ 544,1204 for surveying, etc., agricultural lands in national forests__ __ _ __ __ _ 554, 1204 for public camp ground facilities, fire prevention, etc ____________ 554,1204 for equipments, supplies, etc ____ 554,1204 for wood distillation, economy in for- est products, etc __________ 554,1205 invertigating hemp for making pulp and paper_________________ 554,1205 for range conditions, etc ________ 555,1205 for seeding and tree planting, etc_ 555, 1204 for cooperative, etc., investigations to determine conservative man- agement of forests_____________ 555 for appraising, etc., timber for sale, expenses of sales, etc _______ 555,1204 for permanent improvements; roads, trails, bridges, etc __ __ _ _ _ __ _ 555, 1205 development of national forests in southern California________ 555,1205 stock corrals, watering places, etc _______________________ 555,1205 eradicating poisonous plants__ .. 555, 1205 dam at Cass Lake, Minn ______ 555,1205 for investigations to determine con- servative management of forest_ 1205 for forest fire cooperation _______ 555, 1205 for cooperative distribution of forest planting stock________________ 555