Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1536

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3190 INDEX. I ntmor Department-Continued. deficiency appropriation for Reclama- tion Bureau, salaries, 1929_____ 1683 for Geological Surve~ salaries, 1929__ 1683 for National Park !:Service, salaries, 1929________________________ 1683 for Education Bureau, salaries, 1929_ 1683 for Government in the Territories, salarie~.1929__ __ __ ______ __ ___ 1684 for Saint J<.dizabeths Hospital, sal- aries, ! 929_ ___ __ _______ ___ __ _ 1684 for Freedmen's Hospital, salaries, 1929________________________ 1684 field work appropriations under speci- fied offices, etc.! available for hire of work ammals, vehicles, etc _______________________ 243, 1606 submission to Congress discontinued, of report of expenses support of Indian schools _______________ _ school and agency buildings _______ _ allotments in severalty ___________ _ industrial work, etc ______________ _ encouraging Indian industry ______ _ specific employees _______________ _ Indian moneys, proceeds of labor __ _ Northern Cheyennes, cattle _______ _ tribal funds, Apaches, etc _________ _ Confederated Utes _____________ _ Chippewas of Minnesota________ _ surveyor general's clerks __________ _ support of agricultural colleges, etc __ Alaska railroad, land purchases, etc_ sales of property, etc ___________ _ Freedmen's Hospital, salaries, etc __ _ care of patients ________________ _ insane institution, Alaska _________ _ industrial work, Tongue River Reser- vation, Mont ________________ _ Indian hostilities _______________ _ Indian hoapitals _________________ _ Sioux Indiall8, destruction of horses_ heirs of deceased Indians __________ _ rent of buildings, Capitol Grounds, 990 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 enlargement__ - __ c--- ___ ______ 992 survey., etc., allotments, Arizona and New Mexico reservations______ 992 Indian tribal funds________________ 992 Interlocking Directorates, exemption of mutual savings bank, joint-stock land banks, etc., from antitrust Act prohibitions of ___ 1536 restrictions of, not applicable to private bankers, officers of member banks, etc., who may serve in not more than tv'O other bauks, etc__ 253 issue or revoking permits.: ., authorized by Federal Reserve .lioard_ _ _ __ 253 Internal Revenue (see also Internal Reve- nue Service, Treasury Depart- ment), appropriation for expenses of Board of Tax Appeals ______________ 576,1233 time extended for presenting claims for legacy taxes, erroneously col- lected under Revenue Act of 1898 _____________________ :_ _ 398 p;- . yment of allowed claims_________ 398 Internal Revenue Building, D. C., appropriation for construction of _ _ _ _ _ 1044 Internal Revenue Bureau (see also Internal Revenue Service, Treasury De- partment), appropriation for Commissioner, gen- eral counsel, assistants, etc__ 168, 1034 Internal Revenue, Commissioner oj, Paae. appropriation for, assistants, deputies, and office personneL__________ 1034 I nternal Revenue Officers, deficiency appropriation for paying judgments aga.inst ___________ 48, 935 Internal Revenue Service, Treasury Depart- ment, appropriation for Commissioner, gen- eral counsel, and all office and field forces__ ______ ___ __ ___ 168, 1034 for rent, outside and in the District__ 168, 1034 for supplies, equipment, etc _____ 168,1034 personal services in the District_ 169, 1034 for detecting, etc., violations of in- ternal revenue laws ________ 169,1034 rental allowance in the District increased_ _ _ __ __ __ ____ ___ __ __ 169 care, etc.~ o! quarters in National Press .liuildmg, D. C., plaeed under Director of Public Build- ings and Public Parks_________ 169 motor vehicle travel allowance_ 169, 1034 for refunding illegally collected taxes_ 169, 1035 report to Congress of disburse- ments ____________________ 16~ 1035 condition on refund to manufac- turers, etc., of tax on automobile accessories___________________ 169 for building for; contracts______ 182,1044 deficiency appropriation for refunding illegally collected taxes _____ 30,42,48, 935, 1613, 1618 report to Congress of disburse- ments in detaiL______________ 30 restriction on refunds to manufac- tures, etc., of excess tax on auto- mobile accessories_____________ 30 bond required to repay amount not . distributed to purchasers_______ 31 for collecting _________ 42,44,48,935,1618 for enforcing Narcotic and National Prohibition Acts_ 42, 48, 933, 937, 1674 for refunding collections ________ 42,44,48, 935, 1618,1671,1674 for collectors _______________ 48,935,1618 for collecting war revenue__________ 48 for paying judgments against offi- cers _________________________ 48,935 for salaries, collecting, 1929__________ 1687 claims for refund of erroneously col- lected legacy taxes under Reve- nue Act of 1898, may be pre- sented to Commissioner___ ____ 398 determination of, without regard to any statute of limitations______ 398 payment directed of amounts al- lowed_________________________ 398 excess taxes paid on distilled spirits in tax-paid warehouse to be re- funded to owner______________ 492 field employees may be detailed for service in Burea.u or elsewhere_ _ 882 limitation on rent in District of Colum- bia increased__ ___ _____ ___ ____ 1653 storekeeper-gaugers, designation of, to all storekeepers, gaugers, and storekeeper-ga.ugers _ _ _________ 1496 to be full time employees__________ 1496 International Aeronautical Conference on Civil Aeronautics, foreign governments invited to attend, at Washington, D. C__________ 1011