Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1537

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INDEX. 3191 lntMnational Aeronautical Conference on Pa&8. Civil AeronautiC$-Continued. foreign governments invited; sum au- thorized for expenses of meeting_ 1011 1nternational A rbitration, I nterparlia- mentary UnionJor Promoting, appropriation for contribution_ _____ 71, 1102 International A8sociation oj Road Con- gres8es, Permanent, deficiency appropriation for expenses, sixth seBBion_ _______ ___ ____ __ 912 invited to hold sixth session of, in United States_ _ _ _ ____________ 378 amount authorized for all expenses__ 378 International Boundary Line, Canadian, . appropriation for expenses maintaining, etc ________________________ 70,1101 International Bureau Jor Protection 0/ In- dustrt:al Property, appropriation for quota____________ 74,1105 International Bureau Jor Publication 01 Customs Tariff8, appropriation for share of expenses __ 70,1100 International Bureau oj Pennanent Court 01 Arbitration, appropriation for annual contribution_ 71, 1102 International Bureau oj Weight8 and Measure8, appropriation for contribution ______ 69,1100 deficienc¥. appropriation for annual con- trIbution _ _ _ _ _ ________ ____ __ _ 1612 International Catalogue 01 Scientific Liter- ature, appropriation for expenses, preparation of _______________________ 584,1241 International Commi8sion, M uican Bound- ary, appropriation for equitable use of wa- ters of lower Rio Grande, Colo- rado, and Tia Juana Rivers____ 1106 International Commission on Annual Ta- bLes vJ Constants, etc., appropriation for annual contribution to ________________________ 71,1120 International Committee oj Weights and Measures, appropriation for ~ttendance of mem- ber _______________________ 90,1121 Conlerenu lor Revision of Convention 0/1914, for Safety oj Life at Sea, deficiency appropriation for partici- pating In ____________________ 1612 sum auth~rize? for expenses of partici- patlng In____________________ lU16 International Congres8 oj Americani8t8, Twenty-third} deficiency appropnation for contribu- tion_________________________ 914 appointment of three delegates to, authorized, to be held in New York City _ _ _ __ ______________ 723 sum authorized as contribution to expenses ____________________ _ International Congress oj Entomology, foreign governments invited to send delegates to _________________ _ lnternationaL Dairy Congress, Eighth, appropriation for expenses, partici- invitatfo~ti~, iBrl"tish - (fo-~eTarmstroBot (talk) 02:40, 7 January 2012 (UTC)t - to participate in, accepted _______ _ appointmcnt of delegates authorized __ 54835°-29---97 723 482 570 148 148 I nternational Dairy Congress, Eighth- PUt. Continued. appointment of delegates; sum author- ized for expenses, etc__________ 148 report to Congress_ _ _ ____ ____ _____ 148 International Exchanges, appropriation for expenses_________ 583,1241 International ExpOsition, Seville, Spain/ appropriation for expenses of partIci- pation, etc_ ___ __ __ ____ _____ __ 75 deficiency appropriation for expenses of partlcipation_______________ 913 use authorized for personal services in the District, of appropriations for__________________________ 372 International Geographic Union, appropriation for annu&! contribu- tion _______________________ 73,1104 InternationaL HaLibut Fisheries Commis- sion, appropriation for share of expenses__ 75, 1106 deficiency appropriation for, additional_ 28 InternationaL Hydrographic Bureau, appropriation for annual contribu- tion _______________________ 73, 1104 for expenses of attending delegates_ 97, 1127 International Hydrographic Conlerence, appropriation for expenses, Navy De- partment delegates to_ ________ 624 International Institute for Protection oj Childhood, American, appropriation for annual contribution to, at Montevideo, Uruguay_ 913,1106 annual contribution for membership in, authorized_________________ 487 International Institute oj AgricuUure, appropriation for quota 1 etc ________ 72,1102 for additional quota lor dependen- cies__ ~ ____________________ 72,1102 for member of Committee ________ 72,1102 for translating publications _______ 72, 1102 for cleric~ll etc., expenseB ________ 72,1102 International Map oj tke World, appropriation for share of expenses __ 75, 1107 International Office oj Public H ealtk, appropriation for quota ____________ 72,1103 InternatwnaZ Petroleum Company, Limited, may bring suit for collision damages to to steamer "TrontoUte," in dis- trict courL _ _ _ ____ ___________ 1706 I nternational Petroleum E:tp03ition at Tulsa, Okla., President authorized to invite States and foreign countries to partici- patein______________________ 788 articles for exhibition to be admittted free of duty__________________ 788 duty on, if sold; allowance for deteri- oration, etc _____________"__ __ _ 788 International Prison Cammi38ion, appropriation for annual contribu- tiOl' _______________________ 71,1101 International Radiotelegraphic Convention, appropriation for share of expenses __ 72,1103 deficiency appropriation for share of expenses; unexpended balance available ___________________ 28,1612 convention and general regulations con- cluded with other Governments_ 2760 International Railway Congress, appropriation for quota, etc ________ 72,1103 I nlernational Research Council, appropriation for annual contribution to, and associated Unions ____ 73, 1104