Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1585

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INDEX. 3239 MiUigan, Fay (daughter), Paae. pension increased_ _______ __ ______ ___ 1764 Milligan, Ro&a A. (widow), pension increased_ _ ____ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ 1876 Millike,n, ~ennie N. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ ___________ ______ _ 2234 Millike,n, /fancy J. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ __ ___ _ __ __ ___ __ _ _ 2224 Milliner, William C., pension_ _ _ _ _ _ _____________________ 1845 Millington, Myrtle (daughter), pension___________________________ 2299 Mills, Bowie G., pension____________________________ 1996 Mills, 9at~rine H. (widow), penSiOn Increased_ _ __ __ __ __ __ ____ __ _ 1881 Mills, ~liz!, A. (widow), penSiOn Increased_ _ __ __ ___ _ __ __ __ __ _ 2124 Mill&, ~liz!,beth A. (widow), pensiOn lllcreased _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ 1870 Mills, ~mf!Ul J. (widow), pensiOn Increased_ _ ___ _ __ ______ __ __ _ 2103 Mills, !-au~a B. (widow), pension Increased_ _ _ __ _ __ __ ___ __ __ __ 2306 Mills, !-itil! (widow), pensiOn Increased___________________ 2159 Mills, !tfi~ (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 1743 Millville, N. J ., deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 33 Miltow~, .Kittie A. (widow), penSIOn Increased_ _____ ______ _______ 2057 Milwaukee, WiB., appropriation for Volunteer Soldiers' Home ____________________ 360,1383 for public building ____ .. ___________ 1043 deficiency appropriation for Volunteer SOldiers' Home ______________ 50,930, 1620, 1667, 1668, 1674 for post office, etc., improvements__ 922 Mine Accidents, etc., appropriation for investigating, etc_ 101, 1131 deficiency appropriation for investi- gating, etc ________________ 898,1621 Mine Rescue Cars, appropriation for expenses, operating, etc_______________________ 101,1131 for equipment, sup{>lies t etc _____ 101,1131 deficiency appropriatIOn IOf operating, etc__________________________ 898 Mine Scales and Cars, appropriation for investigating, etc_ 92, 1123 Mine Yawls, Motor, construction or purchase of two, authorized ______ .. ___________ _ 717 Miner, Armintia C. (widow), pension____________________________ 1814 Mineral Deposits, Nonmetallic, permittees for gas and oil p,rospecting, granted further additional time for drilling, etc_ _ _____________ 252 extension allowed for expired per- mits_________________________ 252 provisions for leasing, etc.! sodium deposits on public lanas_______ 1019 Mineral Fuels and Products, appropriation for testing, etc., belong- ing to United States _______ 101,1132 Mineral Industries, appropriation for investigating prob- lems, etc., oL _____________ 104,1132 Mineral Substanees and Ores, appropriation for investigations, etc_ 102,1132 54835°-29-100 Mineral Substanees and Ore_Continued. Paae. deficiency appropriil.tion for investigat- ing mining, etc., of____ . . _______ 898 a11owe.nce increased for services in the District, for mining, etc., other than fueL___________________ 16 Minerals on Public Lands, Nonmetallic, appropriatiou for enforcing provisions relating to mining, etc______ 232,1595 Minerd, Emma J. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2277 Mines Bureau, Department oj Commerce, appropriation for salaries and general expenses __________________ 101,1131 attendance at meetings _______ 101,1131 for investigating mine accidents, methods of mining, etc _____ 101,1131 for investigating mining, quarrying, etc.; Alaska mines _________ 101, 1131 for mine rescue, safety methods, etc_______________________ 101,1131 for rescue cars and stations_____ 101, 1131 purchase of operating equipment, etc_ ___ ___ _____ ________ ___ 101, 1132 trophies for mine rescue and first aid contests _______________ 101,1132 for investigating mineral fuels, etc ______________________ 101, 1132 for investigating, etc., mineral ores, etc., other than fuels ________ 102,1132 private work forbidden _______ 102,1132 for oil, gas, and oil shale investiga- tiolll_ ____ __ _______ _____ __ 102, 1132 for development of oil shale; opera- tion of plant, etc______________ 102 for mining experiment stations__ 102, 1132 for Pittsburgh and Bruceton, Pa., experiment stations_ _ _ _ _ __ _ 102, 1133 temporary details from the field for service in Washington; payment of expenses________________ 103,1133 details of Publio Health officers for cooperativework with Bureau_ 103,1133 for Government fuel yards, District of COlumbia.. ____ _____ ____ _ 103,1133 for helium production and investiga- tions _____________________ 103,1133 for investigating resources of helium bearing gas, etc____________ 103,1134 for helium producing pla.nts, pur- chase, lease, construction, etc ______________________ 104,1134 for potash explorations, etc _____ 104,1134 transfer for expenditure by Interior Department. _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 1134 for investigating, etc., economies of mineral induBtries_______ ~ __ 104,1135 for report on mineral resources of United States _____________ 104, 1135 scientific work for' departments, etc., by the Bureau ________ 105,1135 transfer of funds, etc _________ 105, 1135 open market purchases of supplies and equipment ____________ 105, li35 for books, periodicals, etc_______ 105, 1135 for procuring helium for Army froIn _____________________ 33~ 13 61 for advances from Navy for helium production, etc ___ . ________ 636, 1465 deficiency appropriation for oil shale investigations_ _ _ _ _______ _____ 16 for mineral mining investigations_ _ 16, 898 for Norton, Va., garage____________ 16 for Navy aviation transfer to_______ 46