Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1607

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INDEX. 3261 Nav!;'-Continued. Pa&e. appointment authorized of Henry C. Weber as lieutenant comman- der__________________________ 17?9 appointment of retired officers in diplo- matic service permitted________ 1482 appraisal and sale of property furnishing electricity to ordnance plant at South Charleston, W. Va______ 499 Army Chief of Staff to have the person- al money allowances of officer serving as Chief of Naval Opera- tions________________________ 1255 with Chief of Naval Operations, to rank above all other officers_ _ _ _ 1155 relative rank of present officers not changed_____________________ 1155 assignment of line officers for engineer- ing duty upon application there- for__________________________ 498 rank and duties_________________ 498 as fleet or squadron engineers, or engineer officers of ships, of com- manders and above___________ 498 status in line retained __ ___________ 498 number of, in any year, to be deter- mined by the Secretary________ 498 officers assigned to airships, etc., service, considered as equivalent to sea duty__________________ 498 considered as actual sea service on sea going ships_______________ 498 authority to advance fund to naval personnel for expenses on emer- gency shore duty_____________ 712 bell of battleship "Connecticut" to be delivered to American Legion Naval Post 110_______________ 1181 "Louisiana" delivered to Louisiana State Museum________________ 1073 board of officers to be appointed to in- vestigate and report on site for airship base_ _________ _____ __ _ 1530 Chief of Naval Operations may be as- signed quarters constructed for Superintendent of Naval Ob- servatory_____________ ______ 1018 construction authorized, prior to July 1, 1931, of 15 light cruisers, and one aircraft carrier _ _ _ __ __ _ _ ___ 1165 five cruisers in each fiscal year 1929, 1930, 1931; limit of cosL ____ ._ 1165 aircraft carriet: prior to June 30,1930; limit of cost__________________ 1165 continuance of, in succeeding fiscal year_________________________ 1165 of first and alternate cruisers, in Government navy yards, etc___ 1165 annual estimates for, to be sub- mitted____ ____ _______________ 1165 subject to treaty, limiting naval armament._ ___ _______________ 1165 suspended, if further limitation. of naval armament by international agreement_ _ _____ ____ ______ __ 1165 agreement requested to be en- couraged by the President_ _ __ _ 1165 treaty favored by Congress with maritime nations, regulating con- duct of war at 8ea_____________ 1165 negotiation of, prior to conference on limitation of armaments _ _ __ 1165 Navy-Continued. dental officers allowed credit for active duty as acting assistant, and assistant dental surgeons prior to July 1, 1918_______________ _ running mates to be assigned for promotion __________________ _ double pension allowed widows and dependents when officer or en- listed man dies from submarine accident ____________________ _ minimum allowance to widow and children ____________________ _ disability requirement for retirement of officers from active service, re- pealed ______________________ _ retirement of officers from active duty established at age of 64 years __ _ retirements at age of 64 years since August 29, 1916, validated ____ _ disposal of obsolete material, authorized to Boy Scouts of America_____ _ double pension allowed for death or disability from aviation duty __ _ electricians eligible for appointment as enlistedTarmstroBot (talk) 02:52, 7 January 2012 (UTC)b~~cl with~~t-i;m~~: ~t~~ in excess of one day, permitted to make good time lost________ _ fitness of Captain Walter R. Gherardi, for promotion to rear admiral, to be considered _________ - - - - - _-- Fleet Reserve pay of enlisted men trans- ferred thereto _______________ _ fleet submarine, cost increased of one __ joint board of officers of Army and, to survey, etc., of storage of am- munition at places in dangerous proximity to populous com- munities, etc ________________ _ report, recommendations, etc., to be submitted to Congress by the Secretary ___________________ _ appropriations available for ex- limit or~:~iTarmstroBot (talk) 02:52, 7 January 2012 (UTC)ased to; ""alk;ati~~s i~ "Pennsylvania" and" Arizona" _ for battleships "Oklahoma" and "Nevada" __________________ _ two fleet submarines ______________ _ loans or gifts authorized of condemned ordnance, etc., to veterans' associations, etc _____________ _ members of, discharged for fraudulently misrepresenting age on enlisting during the World War, may be considered honorably discharged_ money for ordnance, etc., to be used only for which appropriation made_______ -' _______________ _ monthly base pay of warrant officers of, modified ____________________ _ naval patients may be treated in other Government hospitals, iffacilities (If naval hospitals not available_ exper~ ~hargeable to Navy appro- ,)natlOllB ____________________ _ ndollB and pensions deductions __ _ S, int ElizabethsHospital excepted_ Naval Reaerve Force and Marine Corps 'Wserve; former officers to be .. Howed mileage for travel to their homes when rele8.l!ed from active duty, etc., at other places _____ _ Pa,Ke. 1345 1345 466 467 1142 1142 1142 1430 1436 1084 620 2353 1477 984 35 35 35 1261 1085 1090 773 1084 1249 1187 1090 1090 1090 1090 1556