Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1616

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3270 INDEX. Nurse Corps, Army--Continued. provisions for expenses of disposition of remains of officers, enlisted men, etc., extended to mem- bers oL _____________________ _ recovery of bodies included _______ _ Nur8e Corps, Navy (female), Pa,&e. 251 252 appropriation for pay, etc., oL ____ 631,1460 for rent of quarteI"!.' for __________ 631, 1460 Nursery Plant Quarantine, appropriation for expenses enforc- ing _______________________ 564, 1216 Nursery Stock, etc., appropriation for cooperative studies in propagating, etc ___________ 552,1202 seizure, destruction, etc., by employees of Agricultural Department of prohibited, in possession of any person, vehicle, ship, etc______ _ Nurses, Army, 468 appropriation for pay _____________ 329,1353 for paying claims of, for damages to private property ___________ 330,1354 payment of six months' gratuity to de- pendent of, dying in the service_ 249 N'Jrses, Army and Navy, Female, disabled, etc., entitled to benefits, of Volunteer Soldiers' Home _____ _ 366 Nurses, D. C., all persons representing themaelves as trained, etc., to be registered by nurses' examining bOfl,rd________ 1519 nurses' examining board; number, ap- pointment, terms of service, etc_ 1519 qualification, organization, officers___ 1519 office of present secretary-treas- urer to cease July 1,1929______ 1519 executive secretary to be ex officio treasurer; bond.. _____________ 1520 records of meetings and register of nurses; examinations, etc______ 1520 inspection of nursing schools by ex- ecutive secretary ______________ 1520 applications for registration to; qualifications required_ ________ 1520 of a training schooL_____________ 1520 registration without examination of graduates of a, hospital school prior to July 1, 1924; time for making application____________ 1520 nurses with diplomas from outside schools______________________ 1520 reregistration required each year; fee; time for applying_ _____ ___ ____ 1520 registration automatically canceled if reregistration not applied for __ . , 1521 fee for schools of nursing; annual ap- plication; exceptions_____ ______ 1521 filing false statements with board, forbidden____________________ 1521 jurisdict! m of District Supreme Court to suspend or revoke certificate for misconduct, etc ___________ _ proceedure ______________________ _ appeal to District Court of Appeals __ e.uthority of the Supreme Court ___ _ expenses paid from fees collected _____ _ salary of executive secretary; per 1521 1521 1521 1521 1521 diem to members of board _ _ _ __ 1521 payment of fees; a,llditing accounts, etc__________________________ 1522 money reports, etc., annually to Dis- trict Commissioners___________ 1522 Nurses D. C .- Continued. PSlf8. penalty for violatioIlS________________ 1522 nursing another not prevented if not represented to be registered, etc_ 1522 construction of word "she" and the derivatives__ ___ ___ ____ __ ___ __ 1522 Nurses, Female, disabled, who served with armed forces in any war, authorized admis- sion into new hospital at Day- ton, Ohio, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers____ 1248 Nursing, D. C. (see also Healing Arts Practice Act, D. C .• 1928), not included as "healing art" in provi- sions of Healing Arts Practice Act, D. C ., 1928______________ 1326 Nuts, Edible, appropriation for investigating, etc., growing, ma.rketing, etc., oC 551, 1202 for investigating insects affecting_ 558, 1208 Nutt, J!!liza.beth (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _____ ______ ____ __ _ 2133 Nutt, Laura (widow), . pensionincreased.. __ ________________ 1873 Nutt, Haller, payment to legal representative of estate oC_ ___ ___ _____________ 2014 Nuzum. Nimshi, pension____________________________ 1938 Nuzum" R~becca E. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _______________ __ _ 2050 o. Oakland, Calif., appropriation for demOlition of present building, and construction of an- other on site heretofore acquired _ 180 discretionary purchase of new site and constructing building there- on__________________________ 180 if present building be sold, proceeds available for new site, etc_ _____ 180 for public building_ _ _______ _______ 1043 Coast Guard cutter "Bear,'" donated to, for museum, etc___________ 1145 harbor improvement modified as to bridges over tidal canal________ 467 Oakland, Calif., Harbor, return of joint resolution relating to, requested______________________ 2391 reenrollment of, authorized_________ 2391 Oakwood Cemetery, Chicago, Ill., appropriation for Confederate Monnd_ 355, 1375 Oaths, administration of, by customs officers, etc__________________________ 401 0'Ban~on, .chriatiann (widow), pensIOn lllcreased_ __________________ 1738 Ober, S.ara~ J. Widow), pensIOn lllcreased___________________ 2193 Oberlell;der,. Norah M. (widow), penSlCn Increased_ _ ______ _____ _____ _ 2229 Oberlin! Hq,rriett (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2153 Oberlin, Emma M. (widow), pension____________________________ 1823 Observatory, A3trophyaical, appropriation for maintenance, etc_ 584, 778 Ob8ervatory, Latitude, appropriation for operation, etc., Ukiah, Calif_ ____ __ __ ____________ 97, 1127