Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1624

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~-l278 INDEX. Otto, J~n~ M . (1Dido1o), Pap. penmonln~d ___________________ 2226 0110, Rmo. C. (widou'), ~nfion____________________________ 1775 Ottoman Empire (.u Turkey). Ottoman Empire, F~~, appropriation for expeneee of American prisoners, etc., in ____________ _ 01UlCAitG Rifltlf', bridge authorized acl'Ollll, at Calion, 76 Ark_________________________ 308 in Union and Ashley Counties, Ark_________________________ 1075 time extended fer bridging at Harrison- burg, La__ ___ _________ _______ 279 at Monroe, La____________________ 57 toll charges authorized 1-y Arkansas on bridge across, at Calit'JD, Ark_________________________ 744 Dura, 1~ (wido1D), peD810nlnC~ ___________________ 2068 OPmbu!"g, ¥argaret (wido1D), penSIOn mcreased_ _____ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ 2191 0Kr, S!,r~ (wido1D), penmon mcreased___________________ 2099 Owerluad Wirea, D. C., temporary permission for extending, during inauguration of Presi- dent, 1929, by telegraph, tele- phone, and radio companies____ 1141 Overmier, Silaa, pension____________________________ 2304, ~eUie A. (widow), penSIOn mcree.sed___________________ 2088 Over.eaa Highway, Fla., survey, and report on coat of bridges on, from Key West to the mainland, ~ted_____________________ 591 Owen, Albert J., pension____________________________ 2281 Owen, ~~ia A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2278 Owen, !en"!ie H. (wido1D), pensIon mcreaaed___________________ 2227 Owen, Captain Laertu. J ., adjustment of chum, ~ted_________ 2367 Owen, Mary J. (wido1D), pension____________________________ 1814 Owen Place NE., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Montello to Trinidad Avenues; from line tax fund__ _______________ 1272 Owem, Andrew J., pension____________________________ 1838 0Wena, Annie C. (tu'.dow), pension____________________________ 1817 0Wena'. Car,oline D. (wido1D), peD810nln~ ___________________ 1933 0Wena, Lizzie K. (widow), pension____________________________ 2320 Owena" Ma.ry C. (wido1D), penmon mcree.sed___________________ 2112 Owena,.Ro~ (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ __________________ 1960 OtDenaboro, Ky. , bridge authorized across Ohio River, be- tween Rockport, Ind., and_____ 1322 time extended for bridging Ohio River, between Rockport, Ind., and____ 146 Owing" Harriet A. (wido1D), pension___ __ __ _________________ ____ 2223 Oumbt/, Nora (wido1D), pensiQn____________________________ 1845 Owyhee Irrigation Project, Oreg., appropriation for construction_____ 229, 1591 OYllter,.Rac.hel Jane (widow), penSIOn mcree.sed __________________ _ Ozark National Fore.t, Ariz., proclamation en\ar~ing area oL ______ _ National Game Refuge No.5, within, !!at aside ____________________ _ P. p .... 1921 2953 2954 Pace, Major H. E., Army, credit allowed in accounts oL________ 2259 Pace I nIItitute, New Yark City. claim of, for instruction of certain naval officers, to be adjueted________ 1830 Pace, ~ir~nia (widow), penSIOn mcre&S'!d___________________ 2062 Pacific COal/t, appropriation for surveys 0'- _ __ _ _ _ _ 96; 1126 for care of Navy insane on______ 634, 1462 station to be established on, at mouth of Quillayute River,, for Gt:ard_ ___ ____ ________ _ 1156 Pacific Portland Cement Company, COnI/oli- dated, mineral patent issued to_____________ 1725 Pacific Southweat Expoaition, Long Beach, Calij., articles imported solely for display at, ad- mitted in bond free of duty ___ _ 396 duty imposed if sold, etc_ __________ 397 exhibits from executive departments, etc__________________________ 397 without Government expense_______ 397 Pack, Clay F. (80n), pension____________________________ 1930 Pack, Martha R. (widow), pension____________________________ 1752 Pack, Samuel, pension____________________________ 1819 Packar~, ~ettie A. (widow), penSIOn mcreased___________________ 2129 Packer, Mary E. (widow), pension____________________________ 1778 Packera and Stockyards Act, appropriation for expenses executing _547, 1198 deficiency appropriation for executing_ 46, 933 Packwood, Charlea A., pension____________________________ 1848 Paddoc,k, l!eUie B. (widow), penSIOn mcrea.sed___________________ 2159 Pcddock, William, remission of bail bond_______________ 2353 Padmore, Major Arthur A., Army, readjustment of pay and allowance____ 2350 Page, Addie C. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2165 Page, 1nn!e (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 1790 Page, (uridow), penSIOn lncree.sed___________________ 2156 Page, ¥att.hew, penslOn mcreased___________________ 1836 Page, William Tyler, Clerk of the HOUle of Repreaentativell, appropriation for services, etc., compil- ing contested election expenses_ _ 524 Page8, appropriation for House of Represen- tatives ___________________ 522, 1392 for Senate _____________________ 519,1389 Paige, JIlla. F. (wido1D), pensIOn mcrea.sed___________________ 2214 Painter., A~na M. (wido1D), pensIOn lncreaaecL__________________ 1863