Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1714

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3368 INDEX. Quartermaster Corps, Army-Continued. Page. deficiency appropriation for subsistence_ 35, 42,49,93~ 1672, 1674 for transportation, etc_____________ 42,49, 935,938,1672,1674 for general appropriations ______ .. ___ 43, 44, 49r935,938,1619,1622,1612,1674 for horses __________________ 43,935, '619 for hospitals _____________________ 43,935 for supplies, services, and transporta- tion _________________________ 43,44, 49,935,1619,1622, If,72, 1674 for Reserve Officers' Training Corps, forh:~E!tTarmstroBot (talk);i;;soidie~~'Sia;~~-43~5~9i~ for national cemeteries_____________ 43 for barracks and quarters _________ 49,935 for regular supplies 49,935,1619,1622,1672 for roads, walks, etc_______________ 49,935 for water and sewers _____________ 49,935 for disposition of remains of offi- cers, etc___ _______ __ ___ ___ __ __ 49 forclothingandequipage ___ 938,1672,1674 for survey of Kings Mountain battle field_________________________ 929 for Fort Monroe, Va., sewerage system______________________ 938 for incidental expenses _____ 935, 1619, 1674 for roads, etc., Alaska______________ 936 for shooting galleries and ranges_ ___ 1619 for Fort Thomas, Ky.) road repairs__ 1664 for Fort Leavenworth, Kans., road repairs____ _ _ __ ________ _______ 1664 for military posts, construction, etc_ 1664 for improvements, etc., designated Air Corps stations____________ 1665 for Kittr Hawk Monument, N. C _ _ _ 1566 for pavmg road, Rossville, Ga., to Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Park________________ 1666 for Virgi~ia. Dare memorial; reap- propnatlOn ____________ .. _ ___ _ 1666 for FoM; Donelson National Park, Tenn., establishment, etc., of._ 1666 for memorial, Lititz! Pa___________ 1666 for inspection of oattle fields at Brices Cross Roads and Tupelo, Miss _______________________ _ for Lee Mansion, Va., l't.storation __ _ for Fort Defiance, Ohio, Museum __ _ 1666 1666 1666 1666 for Lincoln Birthplace MemoriaL __ for recovering bodiee of American soldiers buried in Russia and Alaska_______________________ 1667 for salaries, 1929, under Office of Quar- termaster General_ ______ ______ 1689 for salaries, etc., 1929, national cemeteries, etc., under____ ' -___ _ 1691 authorization for disposition of re- mains of officers, etc., hlcluding Army Nurse COrps _________ .. __ 251 recovery of bodies added__ _ ________ 252 horses and mules purchases limited to . needs of the service___________ 245 monument, etc., to commemorate battle between Sioux Indians and forces of Majors Reno and Benteen; to be placed under care oL________ 223 Quarterma.!!er General'a Office, War De- partment, appropriation for civilian personnel. 326, 1439 Quayle~ Ca!herine (widow), penSlon Increased___________________ 2269 Quebec, Hattie (daughter), pension_••••••• _•• _••• _____________ 1945 Q'l€bec,. M~ry A. (widow), Page. penSIOn Increaced_ _______________ __ _ 1741 Queen, Clarence W., pension _____ ._ _ ____ ____________ ___ __ 1996 Queen, .tulia A. (wido'vj, pension increased ________ __ ___ ___ __ _ 1922 Queen Street NE., D. C ., approv;ation for, etc., Trinidad Avenue to alley west of Hol- brook Ter:-ace; fl'om gasoline tax fund_ _____ ____ ___ ___ ______ 654 for paving, etc., Trinidad Avenue eastward; from gasoline tax fund________________________ 127' Query, .Ma;y A. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ ___ __ _____________ 1735 Quick, Edith (widow), pension____________________________ 2384 Quick, Minnie M. (widow), pension____________________________ 1812 Quigle1/.' H~ttie (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _______ ___________ 2163 Quigley, Sarah B. (widow), pension____________________________ 2305 Quillayute River, Wash., station of Coast Guard authorized at mouth of, on the Pacific coast. _ 1156 Quillman, Angeline (widow), pension____________________________ 1771 Quimb1/, A!faretta S. (widow), penSIon Increased __________ . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2126 Quimby, Wilmore A. (8on), pension____________________________ 1760 Quinaielt Agency, Wash., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at ________________ 223,1584 Quincy, Ill., time elttended for bridging Mississippi Quincy sl::~eJ.J-w.: D'-C~'- ---- ---- -- --- appropriation for paving, etc., Tenth Street to Georgia Avenue; from gaEoline tax fund ____________ _ 296 652 Quinla~, ~adge (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2090 Quinlll'l!-, C?rrie M. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ ___ _______________ 2255 Quinn, James A., pensioD____________________________ 2315 Quinnefl, J.lllia H. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _______ ______ __ __ _ 1894 Quirk, .Tho,!"as, pensIOn Increased_ _____ _____ ___ __ __ _ 2002 Quivey, Mary C. (widow), pension ______________________ ._ ___ _ 1771 R. R Street NW., D. C ., closed, 38th to 39th Streets_ .. ________ 890 Raber, !§m~ly (widow), penSlOn Increased_ __________________ 2073 Rabies, . ~ppropriation for suppressing, by des- troying certain predatory ani- mals _____________________ 559, 1209 Racine, Wi8., deficiency appropriation for public building at________________ 923, 1661 Racklyeft, Mary (widow), pension increased_ _____ ____ ____ __ ___ 1881 Radabaugh, lona (widow), pension____________________________ 1775 Rader, A. Clark, alias Clarke Rader, pension_. __ _ __ • __ •___••• ___________ 2239