Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1725

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INDEX. 3379 Richey,. M~rtha A. (widow), Pall!. pensIOn lIlcreased_ __________________ 2220 Richford, Vt., deficiency appropriation for public building, at___________________ 1661 Richmo.nd,.RebeccaJ. (widow), penSIOn lIlcreased_ _ ____ __ _ ___ _ __ ____ 2107 Richmond, Va., appropriation for public building______ 1043 deficiency appropriation for post office, etc., extension________________ 923 Richter, Henry W., military record corrected____ __ ___ _ __ _ 1979 Richwi~e, ¥lizabeth R. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ _____ ____ __ _____ _ 1755 Rickarda Juniar Dredging Company, R., payment to_ _ _____ ____ ____ __ ______ _ 2326 Ricker, Mary (daughter), pen~on____________________________ 1763 Ricket, J08eph W., pension____________________________ 1836 Rickett~, Cl!roline (widow), pensIOn lIlcreased_ ___ ___ ___ ____ __ __ _ 1946 Rickey,. C~herine (widow), penSIon Increased_ __ ______ ____ ___ ___ 1736 Rickro~d, 1manda (widow), pensIOn Increased_ __________________ 2141 Riddle, Emeline (widow), pension____________________________ 2252 R,ddle,. SoJ1}a (widow), penslOn Increased___ ____ ____________ 1971 Rider, 9at~rine (widow), penSlOn Increased___________________ 2212 Rider, !-fat.lida E. (widow), penslOn Increased_ __________________ 2208 Rider, Nancy J. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2180 Ridge Place SE., D. C ., appropriation for paving, etc., Thir- teenth to Sixteenth Streets; from ~asoline tax fund ____________ _ 654 Ridgell! Lo.uisa (widow), penSIon Increased_ _ _ ____ __ ___ ___ __ __ 2286 Ridgely Frank E., naval record corrected___ __ ___ __ ___ __ 1855 Ridgway, /yancy (widow), penSIOn lIlcreased_ __ __ __ __ _____ ___ _ _ 2130 Rieke, August, pension____________________________ 2008 RijJle, Susan A. (widow), ~nsion---------------------------- 1926 Rifle Practice, Army, Navy, etc., . annual competition in, to be held, known as national matches, for trophy, medals, etc ___________ _ national matches to consist of rifle aDd pistol matches for national tro- 786 phy,etc_____________________ 786 competing organizations___________ 786 expenses authorized from appropria- tions for national defense_______ 786 limit on commutation of rations etc., to competitors _______________ _ 786 allowance to civilian competitors for travel, et;!___________________ 786 amount authorized for National Board for Promotion of Ritle Practice_ Rifle Practice, National Board for Pro- moting, appropriation for expenses of ranges; transporting teams to matches, 786 etc _______________________ 351,1373 for quartermaster supplies, etc., for rifle range practice, under regu- lations by ______ . ___ ___ ___ _ 352,1373 Rifle Practice, National Board far Pra- Pa,ae . moting-Continued, appropriation for reimbursing members of, for practice expenses_ _ _ ____ 352 for issue of arms, etc., for target prac- tice; issue and sale, as pre· scribed by __ _ _____________ 352, 1374 deficiency appropriation for trans- portation, rifle teams attend- ing__________________________ 936 RiJ1.e Range8 for Civilian Instruction, appropriation for quartermaster sup- ples for maintenance, etc ____ 352,1374 for ordnance equipment for. _ _ _ _ 353, 1374 Rifles, Army, Automatic Machine, appropriation for purchase, manu- facture, etc., oL______________ 343 Rigby, .Mi~erva (widow), penSlOn lIlcreased_ _ _____ _ __ _ __ ___ __ _ 1745 Rigdon! Sa;ah J. (widow), pensIOn lIlcreased_ ___ _ ___ ___ __ ______ 2275 R~ggleman, Simon E., pension____________________________ 2225 Riggs, ~n~ie A. (widow), pensIOn lIlcreased_ __________________ 2254 Riggs, Edgar M. (son), pension____________________________ 2187 R~gg8, Mnry L. (widow), pension____________________________ 1935 Right, Lodemma (widow), pension____________________________ 1774 Rights 01 Way, granted across Benicia Arsenal Mili- tary Reservation, Calif_________ 1139 Chalmette National Cemeterl', La __ . 997 Federal Industrial Home for Women, to Alderson, W. Va___________ 53 Imperial County, Calif., over public lands for highway purposes_____ 249 military reservation, Monterey, Calif., to the city for street extension _ ___________________ 1074 Vancouver, Wash., on Vancouver Barracks Military Reservation_ 60 Vicksburg National Park, Miss_____ 315 Riley, Elizabeth (widow), R,1e~~s~a~nTarmstroBot (talk);------------------ 1915 Rt1e~~S}?ric~(~~O~~------------------ 1870 R,1:~s03:11, 7 January 2012 (UTC)~~-(~~;):-------------- 2307 pension increased _____________________ 2271 Riley, Sarah C. (widow), pension increased_ _ ____ _ __ __ ___ __ _ __ 1863 Riley, ~ara.h J. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ _ _____ __ __ __ __ __ _ 1894 Rinck, .Mi,,!a (widow), penSIOn Increased __ ~________________ 2128 Rincon Indian Reservation, Calif., . appropriation for irrigation projects on__________________________ 1572 Rinder, H. A., may bridge Missouri River, at Niobrara, Nebr________________________ 708 time extended for bridging Missouri River, at Niobrara, Nebr., by _ _ 1562 Rinderpest, appropriation for emergency use, eradi- cating, etc ________________ 548, 1198 Ring, Margaret (widow), pension increased___________________ 2175 Ring, William T., payment to, for personal injuries______ 2375·