Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1812

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3466 World War Yeterana' Act, 1ge4, Amend- ments, no suit in claims for insurance allowed, unless brought within six years after right accrued, or one year from date of this Act__________ _ right accrued on happening of con- tingency on which based_______ _ limitation suspended on denial of claim by Director____________ _ time for infants, etc ______________ _ allowance of new suit, for defects in process, etc _________________ _ former jlld~ents that claim barred by limitation, not a bar to a new Buit ________________________ _ State, etc., statute of limitations not applicable __________________ _ pending suits included in provisions hereof ______________________ _ in payments to minors, etc., Director to give notice to court on failure of guardian, etc., to properly exe- cute his duties, etc ___________ _ suspension of guardian, etc., neglect- ing to render accounts of pay- ments ______________________ _ payment of court expenses of in- vestigations, etc _____________ _ no recovery of compensation payments , from beneficiary, if without fault; nonliability of disbursing officer ______________________ _ amount reimbursed to life insurance fund _______________________ _ contract for translators authorized without regard to civil service laws, etc _____________________ _ records, etc., in litigated cases may be medio&fTarmstroBot (talk)iio~,-~t""c~,- ei~~;eB i~ insurances cases to be paid from Bureau expenses _____________ _ in death allowance; compensation to dependent parents; proof of de- pendency required ___________ _ allowance for burial expenses, for death in the service________________ _ veterans of any warz including women Army nurses m Spanish-Amer- ican VVar ___________________ _ beneficiaries of the Bureau ________ _ additional, for beneficiaries in hos- pitals, etc., away from home___ _ cost of transportation of an at- tendant ____________________ _ no deduction from accrued pension compensation, or insurance____ _ contracts for burial expenses allowed without advertising for pro- posais ______________________ _ payments under former, expressly authorized __________________ _ no deduction from, if contribution made by State _______________ _ continuance of widow's compensation__ to child until age of 18 years, etc _________________________ _ during mental or physical defect __ to complete education or training; conditions ___________________ _ disability compensation allowance; with dependent parents_______ _ proof of dependency required; effect, if not supplied________________ _ INDEX. Paae. 964 964 964 964 964 964 964 964 964 964 964 965 965 965 965 965 965 966 , World War Vetera1l3' Act, 1924, Amend- ment3-Continued. disability compensation allowance; ap- portionment if parties not living together ____________________ _ no compehsation payable unless death or disability occurred prior to, or within one year after, dis- charge ______________________ _ exception if evidence furnished of injury, etc., in active service ___ _ restriction removed if official record of its existence _______________ _ time limit for presenting claims ex- tended to April 6, 1930 _______ _ for minors, etc ___________________ _ compensation to widows, etc., accru- ing under War Risk Insurance Act, to be as provided in this Act________________________ _ insurance against death or disability granted to all persons in service of Army or Navy on application; limitation of amount _________ _ time limit for applying ___________ _ acceptance of reserves, applying at training stations, etc., and be- coming totally disabled, dying, etc_________________________ _ application to Coast Guard on active duty _______________________ _ beneficiaries allowed, of yearly re- newable term insurance_______ _ also during disability to injured person______________________ _ recognition of beneficiaries if within permitted class when designated_ expenses borne by United States___ _ premium rates established _________ _ term yearly renewable insurance to be converted not later than July 2, 1927, to the form requested ___ _ forms, payments of premiums, etc., to be prescribed _____________ _ no reconversion to five-year level premium policy ______________ _ to cease July 2,1921- ____________ _ extension allowed for mental con- dition, or disappearance ______ _ 966 1 96(j matured by total permanent disa- bility, may be renewed if the in- sured no longer so disabled ____ _ 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 967 967 additional period of extension, on recovery of menta! condition, or reappearing_______________ _ payment of, in installments; small amounts may accumulate _____ _ other provisions for, authorized__ _ basis of calculations ______________ _ changes of beneficiaries at any time allowed, if in permitted classes __ payment to estate, if no living bene- ficiary designated ____________ _ if beneficiary die without receiving all installments ______________ _ no payment to estate, if under State laws it would escheat_________ _ escheat to United States, and credited to life insurance fund __ optional lump sum, etc., payments may be provided for __________ _ election of beneficiary to receive in- stallment payments, authorized_ effective as of June 7, 1924________ _ Page. 967 967 967 967 967 967 967 967 968 968 968 968 968 968 968 968 968 968 968 969 969 969 969 969 969 969 969 969 969 969 969 970 970 970