Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/237

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. 8_ I . Ca. 740.. 1928. 1918 The name of Sarah E. LeVaHE-rY, widow ofIra/N;LeValley,late P:::T.~' of CompanyB, Eighty:.l1inth RegJmentlllinoiS V'olun.teer Infantry, Sarah • LeV: • and. pay her 'a ~ion at the ~ of $tSO,per month in lieu of that she lSnow ~IV!Jlg~\, -' ," .' '

, . The~e ~of' Catm,n. 'mow 'ofSaIatbie}O&ttre1l, late of l_C. . .. CbioP«ny,g,; Fi~1-iiecohd ~eI\t Ohio' Vmu!1~ Infautr.y, ,and paY'hei". pe.nstOn.t·thtfta~ of' $50 pet moIith in u. pf ihat,1ihe lS now receIVlI}g. , PeusiOD. , The name Ofarari.t'COW~, liel~Iessarid d~d~t M>n of William OranHlowa. Cowen' late'of Comp' Y' x, one bundred and eightl-seTentb: :&gi- nient,()hidVbltln~r~fAntry;:and pay him a pension 'tit the rate of $20 ~ qwnth. ., r' ,.. ., ' .. ,," PemIoDImc-. cL

'llie· name ·oti M&~al'et~, Sebofield,' widow tifEdward .Sch06eld, flel~ A. iIiID

la~ ot Com ·an~··A; Twelfth Re~t West Vir . "s Volunteer ~fantry, an~"J.78Y her:t ~1iJi~' at the rate of ~r month. i'n lieu gt. that shEllS now ~. .. . The' name ofl Tillie' Conrad· widow of Frederick W. Conrad, late TIJI(e CoaaId. ,of. C'o'inpany ,Dl ,Twenty-fifth., Regiment Pennsylvania V O'lun~r Infantry, and J!ayher a' ~on at the rate of $00 per month m lieu of tbat she 18 now receIving. ".', ' 'The'nJlrne ofl:Mary w." Fr'eeSton;' widow of'JOseph E. Freeston, 1Ur7M. ~ late of Company B,'F"i.t$t Battalion Pe~lvailia VO'lunteer Infan- try, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that ihe is IlQW receiving~ Penekm. 'The name O'fMollie Rambo, widow of J~es T; Rambo, late of KoIUeRuDbo. Co~pany F, F~urthBegiment Tennessee Volunteer In.fantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month and mcrease the rate to $30 per, month when she shall have' 'shown by eompetetrt evidence sh~ has atta!~ed ~ ~ of.sixty years. • . '. t~c::~ - The name of Luemda Bmr 'WIdow of Wllllam Baker, late of Company I, Eighth ~gimerit Indiana Volunteer Cavalryt and pay her!, vension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that me is now recelvmg., ' , The name of Louise J. Covel widow of J l\tIles Covel, late of LtluI8e 1. Covel. Company M, .second Regiment New York Volunteer Cavlilry, and p'ayher 3 ~nSion at the rate of $50 per month, in l,ieuof that she IS now recelvmg. .. ' The name'of- Clara. J . Crozier, widO'W of William Crozie!) la.te 'of Clara 1. emm .. Com~y F, One h~ and. forl:y-se~nd Regi.m~t, and uompany E, One 'hundred and slxty-mnth Regunent, New, York Volunteer . Infantry} aJ?d pay her .a pension at the rate of ~O· per month, in'lieu of that sne iBnow receiVIng. ' Th~ name, of Mar! E. McCombs, widow of James To McCombs, Mary E. KoComba late of Company D, Sixt~nth B,e2iment.New Y()rk Volunteer Infan- try, and COmpany F,El$h~tn Regmtent New York yo~tm~r Cavalry" and payber apell810n at the rate of $roper mon\;h mlieu of that sne is now receivI!J.g .. " , l'he name of Mary. Flanigan, widow of Ransom Flanigan,' late KcJ' :J'IuIIIa. of ComJ>any H, One hundred and tenth Regiment New TO'tk Vol- '!1n~er Infantry) ~d pay her.a .pension at the rate O'f $50 per month m heu ()f that me IS now recelvtng. . The name of Anna K. Vibert, widow of Osear B. Vibert, late Alma ~ VlIJIIt. of Conlpany A, Seventh Regiment Conneciient Volunteer Infantry, and payhet a pension at· the rate of $00 per month in lieu of that she is no" receivi!tg. The name of ESther L. Sweet. widow of Forest F. Sweet late BI&hIIr L. . , . .. . . of COmpany E, One hundred and seventy-seventh Regiment Penn- Sylvania. V()lunteer Infantry; and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving.