Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/250

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1926 SEVENTI.EW CONGRESS. SUI. I. Cu. 740, • 1928. x.. - - V .BaII7. ' 'rhename,of LeGUra' V. Ruley, widow of Flavious J. Ruley, late cd, Qxhpeyl'A, ,Fourieent.h Begimen~ west V~a Volunte&r hdaatr.,y, iaDd. 'pay; her a ~on at. the rate of ~ per month in lieu'of'ihat..she,is !lOW receiviDg•. ' . . Ruth .A ..Slww. The nama of"lNthA. Siaater,widow of HenrySharer, late of {Jom~'l1 ~-8eoon~ Regiment Pen1i.8ylvania -Volun~ Infan- tg, :iDi ~.ber .,~ a.t the rate ot. ~ per month m lieu of r::-x. Rime. tJ1aTarmstroBot (talk) &~ rum~ido~' of :Da.trlel L RUBe. late of Co~B, ·T8Dth ;RegiDlent west Virginia Volunteer infantry, PensIoDa Incnued. and·pay, aer. a: ~- at ,the. rate of. $30 per 'month; ,. Catbarine 0_ .

T1ieJl8lll8: of Catharine. G~' widow of Franklin. Graoe, late

of Company E, Fourth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, her,. ~on at the ,rate of $ISO per month in lieu of that ~ I. IumaD. TarmstroBot (talk) 23:05, 6 January 2012 (UTC)iet I.hman, widow of Burt tnman,late 8f leDD1e Hol1em. Company H, Forty-fourth ~ent New York Volunteer Infantry, and pay 'her. a I ~ob 'at the rate of $50 pm- month in lieu {)f that>now reeeiving. "

.' . The .JaIDe of'Seams 1J0lle:rJl,. widow; of .John C. Hollern" ~ John. Cliffordz late of Comf::y D, .On~ h~dred and tw~ntY-Dlnth BegiJnedt·ome iVcmmteerantry, and yay 'her a ,~DSlon at the l'IIIIIIoDa. rata of S§O 1*:lJDOIith in lieu·df that -she 18 now·'rece1ving. 8U'&h E. Woodall. of,Sanh E. Woodall, widow of Silils P. WOodall, late of Ca~in ,XennaIJler's IndeJ?tIDdent: eompaay, Aluama Scouts and.Gilid&J".d pay: her a pena10n at the rate of $80 ~rmonth. 8Q1111l F. PlIIrce&lL The.n. . . . of SUs&n F. Pierceall, widow of John D. Pierceall..z alias PeumeaIl,.1ate of Owptain William E. Fowkes's Compan;Y_~J~ /:;even- tietb ~JMDt EnrOlled Missouri Mi1itia~ BBd Captain WwiBm E. Fowkes'll com~. (detailed)· of the 8eTentieth Re£iment Enrolled t=ty,c:r=. Missouri Militial..and pal" her a pension at the rate 01:$30 ~r month. . The name of JiebeoCa L. Huff; widow of Harvey_ A .. Huff, late of Coml*ny: ~ Sixth Regiment PeJi!lsYlvania Volunteer Heavy ArtiIlezy~ anpay:her a ~on at the: rate of $50 per month in Penlllona. lieu of that e is now receiving.' . Bertha c·1Iarper·The.D&lD8·.of.Beriha.- C . HJ.rper, widow of George H. Harper, late Qfeoznpany A, N~~;y-second ~giment and Company B, 1?llrty- first ReiJb!iimt, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a peJlSlon at the rate of $30 p6! month. Melvie A. ReId. The itameof"MeIvie A. Reed, widow of Nathaniel Reed, late of (lompa.ll1 Ji); First Regiment Maine Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $80 per month. . William I.lonee. The name .of William· I . Jones, late of Captain Rice Morris's compan,.,'LinnCoUJl~ Volunteer Missouri Militia, and pay him. a PenslOllllncreued. ~~ at the rate df,:~o.per month. IaabelIa Teel·The aame of ·Isabella Teel,. widow of Hen':7 Teeh late of 'Com- pRay H, ODe· hundred and twenty-second ~ent uhio Volunteer Infantry, '&lUi. pay her a ~n at the rate 01 $lSO per month ir. lieu of that she u,. now rece1V4lg.. . Mary A. Aabcntt. . The name of :HILty A. . Asberaft, widow of Daniel F. Ashcraft, late ,of Company C, Fourteenth Begiinent West Virginia. Volunteer In- fantry, and pay her a. ~nsion at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of,th8.t she is now recetving. ' . m:;.lsabeth Helroili. The Dame of Elizabeth HeiJ'OJlimus widow of Walter A. H/i!ironi- mtJSt late of Company B, Fifty~S6veDth :&~ent .Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and ;pay her a )?ension at the rate of $50 per lieu 8U'&h H. Dar. of that ebe is now ieOelviD«. " .' . !lllie DAme !Jf Sarah IL pBy,Wici?1V of. Thomas DaYj late- of Com- pany C, 1'hi.rteeIdh. Rewment Missoun Volunteer nfantryl and Company K, First RegIment Missouri Volunteer Light. Artillery,