Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/352

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2028 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. I . CHS. 985-987. 1928. March 12, 1920, he was incapacitated for active service and whether such incapacity was the result of an incident of service, and whether such discharge should have been made, and upon the result of such May be appointed· . thP.dt' th' dt . d . tb d lIS second lieutenant InquIry e resl en, IS au orlze 0 nomInate an appOln, yan and retired lIS first Iieu- with the and consent of the Senate, the sa~d Donald M. tenant. D'd dl' . hA f aVI son a secon leutenant In t e rmy 0 the United States and place him immediately thereafter upon the retired list of the Army as a first lieutenant with the same privileges and retired pay as are now or may hereafter be provided b~ law or regulntion for officers TarmstroBot (talk)k pay, etc. of the Regular Army: Provided, T at said Donald M. Davidson shall not be entitled to any back payor allowances. Approved, May 29, 1928. May 29, 1928. [S.3O:I0.] CRAP. 986 .- An Act For the relief of Southern Shipyard Corporation. [Privaie," No.292.] Be it enacted by the Senate and H OU8e of Repre8entatives of the Southe!"l Shipyard United States of America in Congres8 a88embled, That the Court of ~Cla~~tl~f.' for mate· Claims is hereby given jurisdiction to hear and determine the claim r:,alC~~I~~a~~e..1 of Southern Shipyard Corporation, !t corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Virginia, of Newport News, Virginia, for any service, material, or labor furnished or supplied the United States in connection with the reconditioning of the United States Coast Guard Cutter Manning or on account of which it sustained a loss and for which it was not adequately paid, and also to determine whether and to what extent if any saId Southern Shipyard Corpor&tion furnished service, material, or labor beyond the requirements of its contract to recondition, and also to determine whether Southern Shipyard Corporation furnished any ~rvice, mate- rial, or labor or was ca~ed loss through no fault of its own in excess of the amount paiuby the United States, and the extent to which the United States benefited thereby or through its officers or agents was responsible therefor. May 29, 1928. [S.2894.] [Private, No. 293.] Approved, May 29, 1928. CRAP. 987. -An Act For the relief of Robert O. Edwfl.rds. Be it e'T/.IL()ted by the Senate and H&u8e of Repre8en:tatives ot the ~=O~dEg:r;,~~ United Stapes of America in Congr,es8 a88embled, the PresIdent Arm;vretirlngboa~<l:to of t4e Umted States be, and he IS hereby, authOrIzed to summon 23:22, 6 January 2012 (UTC)h~~d.ditlOn Robert O. Edwards, late major in the Coa-st Artillery Corps of the Regular Army of the United States, before a retiring board for the purpose of a hearing of his case and to inquire into all facts touching upon the nature of his disabilities, to determine and report the dis- abilities which in its judgment hav8 troduced his incapacity and whether such disabilities were incurre during his active service in mi'lo~Yl:a8~tn'1~t~ the Army and were in line of duty z that if the findings of such lery Corps, retired. board are in the affirmative the PreSIdent is further authorized, in his discretion, to nominate and appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, the saId Robert O. Edwards a major in the Coast Artillery Corps and to place him immediately there- after upon the retired list of the Army with the same privileges and retIred pay as are now or may hereafter be provided by law ~~k pay. etc. or regulation for the officers of the Regular Army: Pr~ided, That the said Robert O. Edwards shall not be entitled to any back payor ",llowance by the passage of thifJ Act. Approved, May 29, 1928.