Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/359

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CHS. 25, 27, 32-34. 1928. 2035 in full settlement against the Government the sum of $1,666.67 to Horace G. Knowles as sale.ry for the period of March 30, 1909, to July 30 1909, during which period he was commissioned !lS a minister of the United States to Nicaragua and was all that whole period under instructions to await orders of the State Department. Approved, December 12, 1928. December 13, 1112S . CRAP. 27. -An Aot For the relief of the State Bank and Trust Company _[H. R . 589i .J;;;-; - of Fayetteville, Tennessee. [Pnvate, No. 310. , Be it enacted by tM Senate arJUJ H(YU88 of RepresentatillJes of the United StflteB of A'1'nC1'ica in Oon.gress (U/sembled, That the Secretary T~U;:tec~,:;:.~/nc~ of the Treasury is authorized aDd directed to pay to the State Bank Faye.tteviJle, Tenn. dTrtC fF tte 'll T tf . RellTIbursemant to, an us ompany 0 aye VI e, ennessee, Ou 0 any money In for lost, etc., LibertJ the Treasury not otherwiSe appropriated, the sum of $1,779.84, such bonds. sum being the amount of actual loss sustained by' the bank by reason of the theft or loss of certain Liberty bonds whIle being transmitted as registered mail, caused by the neglect or disregard of postal laws and regulations on the part of postal officials or employees. Approved, December 13,1928. CHAP. 32.- An Act For the rellef of Russell White Bear. December 15, 1928. CU. R. 13G06.] ""1Prlva"q,No.~ Be it enacted by the Senate and H(YU88 of Representatives of the United States of A'I'TI£'riea in Oongress (U/sembled, That the Secretary C.row Indian Reser· fthIte· b dh.hb th'dto. te t' vatlOn, Mont. o e n rIOr0,an eIS erey,au orIze Issue a pa n In Patentinfee ~Rus- fee to Russell White Bear Crow allottee numbered 822 for land sell Wbite Bear, allot- • '.• ' teeautborized. allotted to hlm unrler the. proViSIOns of the Act of June 4, 1920 Vol. 41, p. 751 . (Forty-first Statutes at Large, page 751), and designated as homestead. Approved, December 15, 1928. • •• • December 1~, 1928. CHAP. 33 . - Jomt Resolutlon For the relief of Leah Frank, Crook Indian, new [H.J.Res. 76.] born, roll numbered 294. ['Priv': Res., No.6 .) Whereas Leah Frank Creek Indian, new born, roll numbered '294, In~. Frank, Creek having lost the ahotment of land which the United States Preamble. attempted to assign her and having received from the tribal funds no payments :for the satisfaction of such rights: Therefore be it Resolved by the S8"nCde and H ouae 01 ReP!'esentati'l.'ea of the United States of America in Oongress (U/S6mhletl, Tha~ there in mr:~rn6~iort~lg~ authorized to be appropriated the sum of $860, out of the tribal lan.1:;. p 1641 funds of the Creek Nation in full satisfaction of her rights to P,ooho: . an allotment of Creek trib;J lands' ProfJided That frum the said Deduction of any • ••, former payment. amount there shall be deducted any equalization pl\yment that may have heretofore been made to Leah Frimk. Approved, De('.ember 15, 1928. December 1~, 1928. CHAP. 34. - Joint Resolution For the relief of Eloise Childers, Creek Indian, [H.J.Res. 260.) minor, roll numbered 354. [Prlv. Res., No.7.) Whereas Eloise Childers, Creek Indian, minor, roll numbered 354, c23:23, 6 January 2012 (UTC)Uden, having lost the allotment of land which the United States Preamble. attempted to assign her and having received from the tribal funds no payments for the satisfactiol.l of such rights: Therefore be it