Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/675

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II . CHs.606-608. 1929. 2351 OHAP. 606. -An Act For the relief of Frans Jam Wouters, of Antwerp, Belgium. March 2, 19:zQ. [II. R . 112OC.) Be it 6nacted by the Serude and H O'U8e of Representatwes of tM [private, No. 479.) United States of America in Oongress assembled, That an ap:pro- Ftanslan Wouters. priation in the sum of $1,648 be, and the same is hereby, authOrized Of~~rh~:.ntto,(ordeath to compensate Frans Jan Wouters for the death of his father, Jan Van Wouters, a Belgian national, as a result of being struck by a United States Navy automobile in the city of Antwerp, Belgium, on August 12, 1919. Approved, March 2, 1929. OHAP.607.- An Act Conferring jurisdiction upon certain courts of the United States to hear and determine the claim by the owner of the steamship W. I . Radcliffe against the United States, and for other purposes. March 2, 1929. [H. R . 11698.} [Private, No. 480.} Be it enacted by the Senate and H01t8e of Repre8entatives of the United States of America in Oongres8 as8embled, That the claim c ';;.~t;~LTarmstroBot (talk) 00:16, 7 January 2012 (UTC)iP of the Wynstay Steamship Company (Limited), a British corpora- ~ay bring suit for tion, owner of the steamship Radcliffe, agai~~t the United ~tates for TarmstroBot (talk) 00:16, 7 January 2012 (UTC)iP00:16, 7 January 2012 (UTC)1fe!~ damages alleged to have been caused by colhslOn between saId steam- In district court. ship Radcliffe and the United States steamship Sylvan Arrow, on December 1, 1918, may be determined in a suit to be brought b~ said claimant against the United States in the United States DIstrict Court for the Southern District of New York, sitting as a court of admiralty and acting under the rules governing such court in admi- Jurisdiction of court. ralty cases, and that said court shall have jurIsdiction to hear and determine said suit and to enter a judgment or decree for the amount of such damages, and costs, if any, as shall be found due against the United States in favor of the said Wynstay Steamship Company (Limited) or against the said Wynstay Steamship Company (Limited) in favor of the United States, by reason of said collision, upon the same principles and under the same measures of liability as in like cases between private parties, and with the same rights . of appeal: Provided, That such notice of the suit shall be given to ~~O:etc., to Attor. the Attorney General of the United States as may be prOVIded by Dey General. order of the said court, and upon such notice it shall be the duty of the Attorney General to cause the United States attorney in such district to appear and defend for the Unit~d States: Provided Buft~mmeDcement of further, That such suit shall be begun within four months of the date of the approval of this Act. Approved, March 2, 1929. March 2, 1929. OHAP. 60B.-An Act For the relief of Margaret Vaughn. [H. R . 12548.} [Private, No. 481 .} Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of A'TIwrica in Oongress assembled, That the Paymaster TarmstroBot (talk) 00:16, 7 January 2012 (UTC)t :aa~~'fOl" General of the Navy is authorized and directed to Pity, out of funds deathof~n. ' appropriated for the pay of the Navy, to Margaret Vaughn, mother of Cornelius Vau"hn, late boiler maker, first class, United States Navy, an amount equal to six months' pay at the rate received by such Cornelius Vaughn at the time of his death. Approved, March 2, 1929.