Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/719

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. SECOND SESSION, SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. INAUGURAL COMMITTEE. December 14, 1928. [S. Con. Res., No. 24.) - Resolvd by the Senate (the H0'U8e oj Representatives concurring), That a joint committee consisting of three Senators and three Repre- ~~ratlon of the sentatives, to be appointed by the President of the Senate and the loinr&mmlttee to Speaker of the House of Representatives, respectively, is authorized be]::~ to make the necessaxy arrangements for the inauguration of the ,. President elect of the United States on the 4th of March next. Passed, December 14, 1928. HOLIDAY RECESS. Resolved by the H0'U8e oj Representatives (the Senate concurring), That when the two Houses adjourn on SaturdaY,., . December 22, 1928, they stand adjourned until 12 o'clock meridian Thursc:tay, January 3, 1929. Passed, December 14, 1928. December 14. 1928. IH. Con. Res•• No. 46 .) Holiday _. 1m. COUNTING ELECTORAL VOTES. lanoary 18, 1m. [s. COD. Res., No. 28 .] Resolved by the Senate (the H0'U8e of Representatives concurring), That the two Houses. of Congress shall assemble in the Hall of the TO~~DtlDK electoral House of RepresentatIves on Wednesda~, the 13th day of February, thTarmstroBot (talk)h f~ in 1929).. at one o'clock postmeridian, p~ant to the requirements of of~ep~Dtatrns.ouse the \Jonstitution and laws relatirig to the election of President and Vice President, of the United States, and the President of the Senate shall be their presidin~ officer; that two tellers shall be previously appointed by the PreSIdent of the Senate on the part of the Senate and two by the Speaker on the part of the House of Representatives, to whom shall be handed as they are opened by the President of the Senate all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes, which certificates and papers shall be opened, presented, and acted upon in the alphabetical order of the' States, beginning with the letter A; and said tellers, having then read the same in the presence and hearing of the two Houses, shall make a list of the votes 88 they shall appear from the said certificates; and the votes having been ascertained and counted in manner and accord- ing to the rules provided, the result of the same shall be deliv- ered to the PreBldent of the Senate, who shall thereupon announce the state of the vote, which announcement shall be deemed a suffi- cient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President of the United States, and, to_gether with a list of the votes, be entered on the Journals of the two Houses. Passed, January 18, 1929. 2395