Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/722

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2398 1PebnwT 21, 11120. [iI. Oon. Res., No. M .I CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. STATUES OF HENRY CLAY AND DOCTOR EPHRAlK MCDOWELL. Ruolved by (he H0'U8~ oj Rtpr~~8 (fhe 8t~ concurring), C~~ D~Hr::. That there be printed and bound the proceedings in Congress, together ~ MoDoweil. with the proceedings at the unveiling in Statu&ry' HNJ., upon the ac- cep~ ~e::i ceptance of the statues of Henry Clay and Doctor Ephraim McDowell, prI.:~. 2397 presented by the State of Kentucky, five thousand copies of which DlfirlgUtlon: one thousand shall be for the use of the Senate and two thousand five hundred copies for the use of the House of Representatives, and the rem~ one thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use and distribution of the Senators and Representatives in Congress from the State of Kentucky. February 21, 10:». tHo COD. Ree., No. 67.] The Joint Committee on Prin~ is hereby authorized to have the copy prepared for the Public Printer, who shall procure suitable illustrations to be bound with these proceedings. Passed, February 21, 1929. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. RuoZwl by 1M H0'U8~ oj Repruenlati~8 (tM 8ena1~ concurring), COIllf8SSl0Dal DIreo- That an edition of the Congressional Directory for the first session ~dttlOD tor lint -- of the SevenZ-first Congress be com~iled, arepared, indexed, and slon, 7lst CoDllflllS, blish d th d' . fh' . Prin . ordered. pu e uner e lrection0 te omt omnntteeon tmg, ~~lBTarmstroBot (talk): 1428. as provided for in section 73 of the Printing Act approved January 12, 1895. February 211, 1m. rs. Con. Res., No. 16 .1 Passed, February 21, 1929. HARRIMAN GEOGRAPHIC CODE SYSTEM. Re80Zwl by 1M 8ena1~ (1M H0'U8t oj Reprt8tntative8 concurring), H a r rim a n G. o · That the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Repre- eralaTarmstroBot (talk):~~ sentatives hereby are authorized and directed to pay, out of the ~o\'!r::Ot of 11DI'6 - contingent funds of the Senate and House of Representatives, res- . pectiv~ly, the sum of $2l000, or 80 much thereof as may be l'e9.uired, one-half of said sum to De l?aid by the said Secretary of the Senate, the remaining half by the sald Clerk of the House upon vouchers duly VOl. "' p.14M. February 211, 11120 . (H. COD. Res., No. 641.] approved bI the Chairman of the Joint Committee of both Houses authorized b-" S. J. Res. 110 (Public Resolution Numbered 70, Sixty-ninth Congress), to consider the purchase of the right to an unrestricted use of the Harriman Geographic Code System under patents issued, or thAt may be issued, and also the unrestricted use of the copyrights issued, or that may be issued, in connection with the produots of the Harriman Geographic Code System, for all govern- mental, administrative, or publication purposes for which the same may be desirable. Passed, February 25, 1929. ENGROSSING, ETC., B IL LS . Re80l~d by t'he H0'U8~ oj Repre8entalivu (t'he 8e~ concurring), .Jfs~, etc. , of Tha.t during the remainder of the present session of Congress, the M'oat 'expedltlous engrossment and enrolli~f bills and joint resolutions by printing, meth0d5tobeemp\oyed. f edM h be for remainder ofsessloD. as proVlded bY' an Act 0 ngress, approv arc 2, 1895, may Vol. 28 , p. 7G9. suspended, and said bills and joint resolutions ma.y be engrossed aud enrolled by the most expeditious methods consistent with accur3Cy. Passed, February 25, 1929.