Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/749

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PAN-AMERICAN POSTAL UNION. NOVEMBER 9, 1926. 2425 Articulo 2 EQUIVALENCIAS Las Administraciones se comu- nicaran, por conducto de Ill. Ofi- cina Internacional de Ill. Uni6n Postal Panamericana, su tarifa interior, asi como Ill. equivalencia de dicha tarifa, en d61ares 0 en francos oro. Toda nueva equivalencia no podra entrar en vigor sino en un dill. primero de mes y, cuando menos, sesenta dias despues de Ill. respectiva notificaci6n a Ill. Ofi- cina Internacional. Articulo 3 FORMACION DE DESPA- CHOS. -8ACOS VACtOS 1. Los despachos conteniendo Ill. correspondencia que se cambie entre dos paises de Ill. Uni6n Postal Panamericana, se confeccionaran con arreglo a 10 dispuesto en el ti tulo VI del Reglamen to de Ejecuci6n del Convenio de Esto- colmo. 2. Los sacos utilizados por las Administraciones contratantes para el envio de Ill. correspon- dencia, se devolveran vacios por las Oficinas de Cambio destina- tarias a las de origen, en Ill. forma prescrita por el articulo 52 del Reglamento aludido. Sin em- bargo, las Administraciones po- dran ponerse de acuerdo i con el fin de utilizar!c~ para e envio de su propia correspondencia, conviniendo asimismo Ill. forma y cuantia en que ha de sufragarse, por ambas Administraciones, el costo de dichos envases. Articulo 4 FRANQUEO DE LA CORRES- PONDENCIA "PORTE PAGADO" CARTAS INSUFICIENTE- MENTE FRANQUEDAS. Article 2 EQUIVALENTS The Administrations will com- Firlng equlvalenta. municate to one another, thru the intermediary of the International Office of the Pan-American Postal Ante, p. 2410. Union, their domestic postage rates, as well as the equivalents of the said rates in dollars or in gold francs. No new equivalent may be- come effective except on the first day of a month, and at least sixty· days after notifying the International Office. Article 3 PREPARATION OF DIS- PATCHES. -E MPT Y SACKS 1. The dispatches containing Making up of mails. the correspondence exchanged be- tween two countries of the Pan- American Postal Union will be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Vol. 44 , p . 2311. Regulations of Execution of· the Convention of Stockholm. 2. The sacks utilized by the sac~eturn of empty contracting Administrations for s. the dispatch of correspondence will be returned empty bY' the exchange offices of destinatIOn to those of origin, in the manner pre- scribed by Article 52 of the said Vol. 44 , p . 2316. Regulations. However, the Ad- ministrations may come to an agreement for the purpose of using them for the dispatch of their own correspondence, like- wise agreeing on the manner and amount in which both Adminis- trations are to share the cost of the said containers. . Article 4 PREPAYMENT OF COR- RESPONDENCE "POSTAGE PAID" SERVICE INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID LETTERS 1. La correspondencia cambia- 1. The corres 10ndence ex- Manner of prepay- 1 hd . ment. daentre ospaises contratantes,se c ange among t e contractmg {ranqueara con arreglo a 10 dis- countries will be prepaid in ac-