Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/790

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2466 February 13, 11128. PEACE TREATY-NETHERLANDS. FEBRUARY 13, 1928. Declaration Interprdative of Articl6 I oj tM Treaty bdween 1M Unit" State8 (,,nil 1M Netherland8, jor tke advancement oj peace. Signed at Waahington, Febnw.ry 13, 1928; ratijication advi8ea by tM Senate, February 24,1928; ratiji«l by tM Presuunt, February 27,1928; pro-, MarcI.12, 1928. By THE PRESIDENT 01' THE UNITED STATES OF AIiElUCA. A PROCLAMATION. , I~rrry~tr Deo- WHEREAS a Declaration interpretative of Article I of the Treaty ~~le. . for the advancement of the cause of general peace concluded between the United States and the Netherlands, was signed by the plenipo- tentiaries of the two Governments on the thirteenth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and twent:r-eight, the original of which Declara.tion, being in the English and Dutch languages, is word for word as follows: Application to all The GOvernment of the United De Rt;g~ering van de VER- =~~t and States and the Govel'llDlent of EENIGDE STATEN en de NE. the Netherlands, d~ to re- DERLANDSCHE Regeering, move any doubt or uncertainty wenschende weg te nemen alIen that ma., exist or that may here- twyfel of alIe onzekerheid, die after a.nse as to the interpreta- mochten bestaan of zitili later tion to be placed on Article I of voordoen omtrent de uitlegging, the Treaty signed between the welke aan artikel 1 van het op two Govel'llIla.ents on December den 18den December 1913 na- 18, 1913, with l'elJpect to disputes mens beide Regeeringen onder- that may exist between them at teekend Verdra.g OOhoort te wor- , Atltt, p. 2462 . the time of the taking effect of den gege_!.en met betrekking_ tot the said treaty,- have authorized de geschillen, die tusschen Haa.r the undersigned. to declare tha.t ten tyde van de inwerkingtreding the said Article I is meant and van genoemd Verdra.g mochten intended to apply, subject to the bestaan, hebOOn de ondergetee- terms of that Article, to all dis- kenden gema.chtigd te verklaren, putee between the two Govern- dat, overeenkomstig de bedoeling ments existing at the time of the van genoemd artikel 1, hetzelve, taking effect of the Treaty as well binnen de bepalingen daa.rvan, as to those arising thereafter. toepasselyk is op alIe geschillen, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have hereto signed theirnames and have affixed their respective seals at the City of Washington, this thirteenth day of FebruaIY in the year one thou- sand nine hundred and twenty- eight. die ten tyde van de inwerking- treding_van het Verdrag tusschen beide Regeeringen mochten be- staan zoowel aJs op die welke daama mochten ontstaan. Ter oorkonde waarvan de ondergeteekenden hunne hand- teekening OJ) dit stuk hebben geplaatst en hetzelve van hunne wederzydsche zegels voorzien in de stad Wa.shiri2ton den der- tienden da.g van lebruari negen- teen hondero a.cht en twintig. FRANK B KELLOGG [SEAL] J, H. VAN ROYEN [SEAL]