Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/891

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INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION. JUNE 21,1926. 2567 (4) The ship will be moored at least 200 metres from the inhab- MoorlDi dlataDce. ited land and at such a distance from the pontoons as will render the access of Stegomyia improbable; (5) Mosquitoes at all stages of evolution shall be destroyed on lIor:o l Q.uuo de.truo- board as far as pOBBible before discharge of cargo. If unloading takes place before the destruction of mosquitoes, the personnel in charge of that work will be subjected to observation or to surveil- lance for not more than six days from the tin,e when they ceased unloading. ARTICLE 37. Ships suspected of yellow f~ver may be subjected to the measures specified in (1), (3), (4) and (5) of Article 36. Nevertheless, if the voyage has lasted laBS than six days if the ship meets the conditions specified under letters (a) and (b) in the subsection of Article 35 relating to uninfected ships, it shall only be subjected to the measures prescribed by Article 36, (1) and (3) and to fumigation. When 30 days have elapsed after the departure of the ship from the infected port, and no case has occurred during its voy~e, the ship may be granted free pratigue subject to preliIriinary fwmgation should the sanitary authority deem it necessary. ARTICLE 38. Ships uninfected with yellow fever shall be granted free pratique after medical inspection. ARTICLE 39. The measures prescribed in Articles 36 and 37 concern only those regions in which the Stegomyia exists, and they shall be applied with due consideration to the climatic conditions prevailing in the coun- tries concerned and also the Stegomyian index. In other regions they shall be applied to the extent considered necessary by the sanitary authority. ARTICLE 40. Suspected ships. UniDfected shIJ4. Countries eumpt. The masters of ships which have touched at ports infected with IJ~~ TarmstroBot (talk)chlng at yellow fever are specially advised to cause a search to be made for . mosquitoes and their larvae during the voyage and to secure their systematic destruction in all accessible parts of the shiPl particularly in the store rooms, galleys, boiler rooms, water tanks and other places specially likely to harbor Stegomyia. D. EXANTHEMATOUS TYPHUS. ARTICLE 41. Typhus. ~hips which, during the voyage have had or at the .time of their tTarmstroBot (talk) or amval, have a casa of typhus on board, may be subjected to the following measures: (1) Medical inspection· Penonal. (2) The patients sh;h immediately be landed, isolated and deloused; (3) Other persons reasonably suspected to harbor lice, or to have been exposed to .infection, shall also be deloused, and may be sub- jected to surveillance for a time to be specified, but which shall never be more than 12 days reckoned from the date of delousing; (4) Bedding which has been used, and such linen, wearing apparel, Disinfection of bed- dh . I h· h' fh ·d ding, etc. an ot erartlCesast esarutaryaut onty,0 t eportconSlerato be infected shall be disinfected;