Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/995

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CONVENTION-PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA. NOVEMBER 18,1927. 2671 XVIII. PEDmoS DE DEVOLUQAO E DE MUDANQA. DE ENDERE~'(). Enquanto uma encomenda nao for entregue ao destinatario, 0 remetente podera pedir a. sua devolu<;ao ou a. alter~ao do seu enderer;o. Os pedidos de devo- lur;ao ou mudanr;a de enderer;o, que devem ser feitos em conformi- dade com os regulamentos in- ternos das Administrar;oes contra- tantes, deverao ser dirigidos a. Administrar;ao Central em Wash- ington, nos casos de encomendas destinadas aos Estados Unidos da America, e ao correio de destino, quando se tratar de encomendas destinadas a Africa Ocidental Portuguesa. XIX. ENCOMENDAS NAO ENTRE - GUES. 1. N a falta de pedido em con- trario, do. parte do remetente, uma encomenda que nao puder ser entregue 0.0 destinatario sera devolvida 0.0 remetente sem previo aviso. Novos portes como tambem novos premios de registo ou seguro, nos casos de encomen- das registadas ou encomendas com valores declarados (as quais deveriio ser devolvidas no. mesma qnalidade de malas em que foram recebidas isto e, em malas de encomendas registadas ou malas de encomendas com valores decla- rados, conforme 0 caso), poderao ser cobrados do remetente e reti- dos pela Administra~ao que fizer a cobranr;a. 2. 0 remetente duma enco- menda podera pedir, no acto de a depositar, que ela seja, no caso de nao poder ser entregue conforme enderer;ada, ou (a) tratada como abandonada, ou (b) entregue num segundo enderer;o no paiz de destino.. Nenhuma outra alter- nativa sera adm,issivel. Se 0 remetente quizer aproveitar-se desta facilidade, 0 seu pedido deverS. ser feito, por escnto, no envolucro do. encomenda ou em papel a ela colado e no. nota de expedi<;ao. Se 0 formato ou tamanho do. encomenda nao per- XVIII. RECALL AND CHANGE OF Recall and chanl!e of A_ address. AVDRESS. So long as a parcel has not been delivered to the addressee, the sender may recall. it or cause its address to be altered. The re- quests for return or change of address, which must conform to the rules laid down by the domes- tic regulations of the contracting Administrations, are to be ad- dressed to the Central Adminis- tration at Washington when they relate to parcels addressed for de- livery in the United States of America and to the office of des- tination when they relate to par- cels addressed for delivery in Portuguese West Africa. XIX. NON -DELIVERY . Allowed on requeet. Nondelivery. 1. In the absence of a request Return to sender. by the sender to the contrary, a parcel which can not be delivered shall be returned to the sender without previous notification. New postage as well as new regis- ~~ postage, etc., tration or insurance fees, in the . case of registered or insured par- cels (which must be returned in the same kind of mail as received, that is, registered or insured, as the case may be), may be collected from the sender and retained by the Administration making the collection. 2. The sender of a parcel may Requests from sender ht' f 'I' allowed. request, at t e lme 0 mal mg, that, if the parcel can not. be de- livered as addressed, it shall be either (a) treated as ftbandoned, or (b) tendered for delivery at a second address in the country of destination. No other alterna- tive is admissible, If the sender avails himself of this facility, his request must be indicated by means of an indorsement on the wrapper of the parcel or on a paster affixed thereto and on the despatch note. If the shape or size of the parcel makes it im-