Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/998

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2674 CONVENTION-PORTUGlJ""ESE WEST AFRICA. NOVEMBER 18,1927. jsto e, pelos Estados Unidos da Amenca ou Africa Ocidental Portuguesa, segundo 0 caso. rec~tum~1sO[n ~: 2. N~ caso de uma en.comenda sit. devolVlda ou reexpedlda, em transito, por intermedio duma das duas Administr~Oes para. a outra., a Administra~ao inter- mediaria podera tambem, exi~r 8 ,importancia que Ihe for deVlda por qualquer servi~o adicional, terrestre ou maritimo, junta- mente com quaisquer imporlan- cias devidas a qualquer Adminis- tra~ao ou Administra~oes interes- sadas. Bates. 3. Por cada encomenda deposi· tada no correio de um paiz e destinada 80 outro, qner ordi- naria, registada, ou com valor de- clarado, a Admmistra~io expedi- dora pagara a Administra~io destinataria: 55 centimos ouro pelas encomendas nio excedendo o peso de 1.000 gram8.l3 (21ibrc.s) ; 75 c~ntimos ouro pelas encomen- das de mais de 1.000 gramas ate li.OOO gramas (11 Iibras); e 1,15 francos ouro pelas encomendas de mais de 5.000 gramas ate 10.000 gramas (221ibras). fm?r~t=~ from sender 4. 0 pedido de devoIu~ao de uma encomenda dO. Iugar &os competentes abonLJ, a fa.vor do primitivo correio de destino, feitos na respectiva guia e calcu- lados segundo as taxas ordinarias de encomendas. A.ooounting. XXIV. LIQUIDAQAO DE CONTAS. Terminal parcels. 1. Taxas terminais. No fun de cada trimeatre a Administr~ao credora organi- sara uma conta das importancias que Ihe forem devidas em rela~io 80 excesso das encomendas rece- bidas sObre as expedidas. Transit parcels. 2. Taxas de transito. Cada Administra~i.o organi- sara, tambem, trimestralmente, uma conta indica.ndo as impor- tancias devidas pelas encomendas expedidas em transito pela outra Administra~i.o. Time for submitting. 3 . Estas contas serao subme- tidas a. verific~i.o da Adminis- tra~ correspondente no decorrer do mes a seguir ao trimestre a que elas se referem. that is by the United States of .Ame~ica or Portuguese West Africa, as the case may be. 2. In the case of a parcel re- turned or redirected III transit through one of the two Adminis- trations to the other, the inter- mediary Administration may claim also the sum due to it for any additional territorial or sea service provided, together with any amounts due to any other Administration or Administra- tions concerned. 3. For every parcel mailed in one country and addressed for delivery in the other, whether ordinary, registered, or insured, a payment of 55 centimes gold shall be made by the despatching Ad- ministration to the receiving Ad- ministration for parcels not ex- ceeding 1000 grams (2 pounds); 75 centimes gold for parcels over 1000 grams and up to 5000 grams (11 pounds); and 1.15 francs gold for parcels over 5000 grams and up to 10000 grams (22 pounds). 4. An order from the sender for the return of a parcel r' ves rise to credits in f&.vor 0 the original office of destination al- lowed in the respective list and reckoned according to the ordi- nary parcel rates. XXIV. ACCOUNTING. 1. Terminal parcels. At the end of each quarter the creditor Administration s hall prepare an account of the amount due to it in respect of the parcels received in excess of those des- patched. 2. Transit 'parcels. Each Admmistration shall also prepare quarterly an ace 0 un t showing the sums due for parcels sent by the other Administration for onward transmission. 3. These accounts shall be sub- mitted to the examination of the corresponding Administration in the course of the month which follows the quarter to which they relate.