Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1038

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. Cii. 849. 1930.

995 SE C. 9. That a new section be added to Title I of the World War Pest, p. 1016. Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, to be known as section 38, and to read as fol lows " SEC. 38 . The director is hereby authorized to purchase uniforms uniforms for watch- for all personnel employed as watchmen, elevator operators, and ele- men ' etc ., authorized . vator starters in the Arlington Building, city of Washington, District of Columbia ." SEC . 10 . That a new section be added to Title I of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, to be known as section 39, and to read as follows " SEC . 39. The Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed Medical and service to transfer to and accumulate in the War Department in the city of records, etc . Washington, District of Columbia, all records and files containing inform ation regard ing me dical and se rvice r ecords of ve terans of th e Proviso . World War : Provided, That the necessary appropriation to accom- thorzedpriation au- plish the transfer of such records and files is hereby authorized ." SEC . 11 . That section 200 of the World AV, ar Veterans' Act, 1924, u l. s4'c. 7 3. 1219, as amended (Section 471, Title 38, United States Code), be hereby su pp IV,p .531, amended to read as follows :

Post, p . 1016. " SEC . 200 . For death or disability, resulting from personal injury tbePaa ~n, a ., ir suffered or disease contracted in the military or naval service on or for injury incurred, after April 6, 1917, and before July 2, 1921, or for an aggravation or etc ., after April 6, 1917 . recurrence of a disability existing prior to examination, acceptance, and enrollment for service, when such aggravation was suffered or contracted in, or such recurrence was caused by, the military or naval service on or after April 6, 1917, and before July 2, 1921, by any commissioned officer or enlisted man, or by any member of the Army Nurse Corps (female), or of the Navy Nurse Corps (female), when employed in the active service under the War Department or Navy Departm ent, t he Uni ted St ates s hall p ay to s uch co mmissi oned o fficer or enlisted man, member of the Army Nurse Corps (female), or of the Navy Nurse Corps (female), or women citizens of the United States who were taken from the United States by the United States Gover nment and who serve d in base hosp itals over seas , or, in t he discretion of the director, separately to his or her dependents, com- pensation as hereinafter provided ; but no compensation shall be paid edMisconduct except . if the injury, disease, aggravation, or recurrence has been caused by Provisos. his own willful misconduct : Provided, That no person suffering lowar a sis, etc ., al- from paralysis, paresis, or blindness shall be denied compensation by reason of willful misconduct, nor shall any person who is helpless or bedridden as a result of any disability be denied compensation by reason of willful misconduct . That for the

of this section soundness on en- purp oses

trance inferred if in and section 304 every such officer, enlisted man, or other member active service on Nov- employed in the active service under the War Department or Navy ember 11,1918 . Department who was discharged or who res igned prior to July 2, 1921, a nd eve ry suc h offi cer, e nliste d man, or oth er mem ber em ployed in the active service under the War Depa rtment or Navy Depart- ment on or before November 11, 1918, who on or after July 2, 1921, is discharged or resigns, shall be conclusively held and taken to have been in sound condition when examined, accepted, and enrolled for service, except as to defects, disorders, or infirmities made of record tet Recorded defects ex . in any manner by pr oper a uthori ties o f the U nited States at th e time of , or prio r to, inc eption of active s ervice, to the ex tent to w hich any such defect, disorder, or infirmity was so made of record : Provided Specified dise ases de . 7 veloped prior to Janu- That an ex-service man who is shown to have or, if deceased, to have ary 1 . 1925, presumed as had, prior to January 1, 1925, neuropsychiatric disease, spinal menin- incurred in service . gitis, an active tuberculosis disease, paralysis agitans, encephalitis lethargica, or amoebic dysentery developing a 10 per centum degree of disability or more in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (4) of section 202 of this Act, shall be presumed to have acquired his vol- 45, p .618.