Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1182

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . Snss . III . CH. 187 . 1931 .

1139 ately available, may be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior in aid ing indigent Chi ppe wa In dia ns upon the cAiding indigent condition that any funds used in support of a member of the tribe shall be reimbursed out of and become a lien against any individual Ante, p . 113& prop erty of which such member may now or hereafter become seized or possessed, the two preceding requ irem ents not to appl y to any old, infirm, or indigent Indian, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior . For the current fiscal year money may be expended from the tribal n Prtion`me Tri bes . - funds of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole Tribes for lotments . equalization of allotments, per capita, and other payments authorized by law to individual members of the respective tribes, salaries and Speci fied salar ies . contingent expenses of the governor of the Chickasaw Nation and chief of the Choctaw Nation and one mining trustee for the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations at salaries at the rate heretofore paid for the said governor and said chief and $4,000 for the said mining trustee, and the chie f of the Creek Nation at a salary not to exc eed $600 per annum, and one attorney each for the Choctaw and Chickasaw Tribes employed under contract approved by the President under existing law : Pro vided , That the ex pens es of the a bove -na med Proviso . y restriction. offi cial s sh all be determined and limited by the Com miss ione r of Indian Affairs, not to exceed $2,500 each . There is hereby auth orized to be expended, out of any money n ow Creeks . of actor• standing to the credit of the Creek Nation of Indians in the Treasury neys .from tribal funds . of the United States, the sum of not exceeding $1,500 to be, by the 45`'pl .. 4 3 p . 139; Vol. Secretary of the Interior, paid out in his discretion to attorneys for the Creek Nation of Indians employed under the authority of the Act of Congress approved May 24, 1924 (43 Stat ., p . 139), the pay- ments to be made in such sums as may be necessary to reimburse the attorneys for such proper and necessary expe nses as may have been inc urred or may be incurred in the investiga tion of records and preparation, institution, and prosecution of suits of the Creek Na- tion of Indians against the United States under the above-mentioned Act of May 24, 1924 : Provided, however, Tha t the claims of the

cement of ex• attorney s shall be filed by said attorne ys with t he Secre tary of the penses subject to ap- proval of Secretary of Interior and shall be accompanied by the attorneys itemized and thelnterior . verified statement of the expenditures f or expenses and by proper vouchers, and that the claims so submitted shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interio r : And provided further Sums reimbu rsable from award by Court That any sums al lowed an d paid u nder thi s Act to the atto rneys sh all of claims' . be reimbursable to the credit of the Creek Nation out of any amount or amounts which may hereafter be decreed by the Court of Claims to said attorney s for th eir serv ices and expenses in conn ection w ith the Creek tribal claims and suits under the above-mentioned Act of May 24, 1924. There i s hereby authorized to be expended, out of any money now Sem ino les . standing to the credit of the Seminole Nation of Indians in the Attorneys for . Treasury of the United S tates, t he sum o f not exc eeding $ 5,000 to be paid, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, to attorneys for said Seminole Nation of Indians employed under the authority of Vol .43, P.1t3. the Act of Congress approved May 20, 1924 (43 Stat ., pp . 133-134), the payments to be made in such sums as may be necessary to reim- burse the attorneys for such proper and necessary expenses as may have been incurred or may be incurred in the investigation of records and preparation, institution, and prosecution of suits of the Seminole Nation of Indians against the United Sta tes under the above-men- statementofexpenses tioned Act of May 20, 1924 : Provided further, That the claims of of, subject to approval the atto rneys sh all be f iled by said att orneys wi th the S ecretary of SlSecretary o fthelate the Inte rior and shall b e accomp anied by the atto rneys' i temized and verified statement of the expenditures f or expenses and by proper