Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1203

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SEVEN TY-F IRST C ONGRESS . SEss . III. CH. 187. 1931. Library building . nd . Towar d the co nstructi on and e quipment of a gen eral lib rary bui ld- equipment . ing, $400,000, to be immediately available, and the Secretary of the Interior is auth orized t o enter i nto cont ract or contract s for con - struction and equipment of such a building to cost not to exceed $800,000 . Total, Howard University, $1,560,000 . Freedmen'sHospital . FREEDMEN'S HOSPITAL Sa laries, etc.

For o fficers and empl oyees an d compens ation fo r all ot her prof es- sional and other services that may be required and expressly Contingent expenses approved by the Secretar y of the Interior , $197,0 00 ; for sub siste nce, fuel and light, clothing, to include white duck suits and white canvas shoes for the use of internes, and rubber surgical gloves, bedding, forage, medicine, medical and surgical supplies, surgical instruments, electric lights, repairs, replacement of X-ray apparatus, furniture, including not exceeding $300 for the purchase of books, periodicals, and newspapers ; and not to exceed $1,200 for the special instruction of pupil nurses, and other absolutely necessary expenses, $93,000 ; for a hospital addition for clinical activities, including necessary equipment, advertising for proposals, preparation of plans and supervision of work of construction of said building, $97,000 : in all, for Freedmen's Hospital, $387,000, of which amount one-half shall be chargeable to the District of Columbia and paid in like m anner as other a ppropriat ions of the Dist rict of Columbia are paid . Field wo rk appro. SEC. 2. Appropriations herein made for field work under the ani animals, work

vehicles, General Land Office, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of r animals , etc °

Reclamation, the Geological Survey, and the National Park Service shall be available for the hire, with or without personal services, of wor k animals and animal-drawn and motor-propelled vehicles and equipment . Farm Relief, etc., Act . Public Resolution Numbered 112 of the Seventy-first Congress Provisions extended to purchas e of sto ck for the relief of farmers in the drought-stricken areas approved feed, etc. Ante, p . 1033, December 20, 1930, is hereby amended b adding at the end thereof amended . the following : "Any money ppropriated pursuant to the authoriza- tion contained in this section may be used in the purchase of feed for o ther lives tock upon the same term s and con ditio ns as suc h mon ey may be used for the purchase of feed for work stock . Drought, etc ., strick- In addition to the sums herein authorized, and appropriations made en areas . Loans to as- t si st farm ing agr icul - hereunder, there is hereby appropriated to be iimmediately available, y


7 tural credit organiza- Out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the lio ns, etc . sum of $20,000,000 to be used by the Secretary of Agriculture for the following purposes : (1) to make advances or loans to individuals in the drought and/or storm or hail stricken areas of the United States for the purpose of assisting in forming local agricultural- credit corporations, livestock loan companies, or like organizations, or of increasing the capital stock of such corporations, companies, or organizations qualified to do business with Federal intermediate credit banks, or to which such privileges may be extended, and/or of making loans to individuals upon the security of the capital stock Loans forfurther re. of such corporations, companies, or organizations, and (2) to make hahilitation . advances or loans to farmers for crop production for the crop of 1931 and for further agricultural rehabilitation in the drought and/or storm stricken or hail stricken areas of the United States . The advances and loans made pursuant to this Act and amendment cutysoncropsasse- thereto shall be secured by liens on crops or by other security, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may prescribe ." Appro ved, Febr uary 14, 1 931 .