Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1232

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SE VENT Y-FIR ST CONGRESS . SEss. III . CH. 234. 1931 .

1189 Ex ecuti ve o rders gran ting holi days and half holid ays with pay t o employees ; to enable the Public Printer to comply with the provi- sions of law granting thirty days' annual leave to employees with rerents, fuel, as heat electric current, as and electric fixtures ; Contingent expenses . pay ;



g bicy cles, mot or-prope lled veh icles fo r the ca rriage of printin g and printing supplies, and the maintenance, repair, and operation of the sam e, t o be used only for offic ial purpo ses, including purchase, exchange, operation, repair, and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carryin g vehicles for official use of the officers of the Gov- ernment Pr inting Office when in writing ordered by the Public Printer (not exceeding $4,000) ; freight, expressage, telegraph, and "A,,phone service ; furniture, typewriters, and carpets ; traveling expenses ; stationery, postage, and advertising ; directories, technical books, newspapers and magazines, and books of reference (not Machinery, equip- exc eeding $ 500) ; a dding and numb ering mac hines , tim e st amps, and ment, etc . other machines of similar character ; machinery (not exceeding $300,000) ; equipment, and for repairs to machinery, implements, and buildings, and for minor alterations to buildings ; necessary equip- ment, maintenance, and supplies for the emergency room for the use of all employees in the Government Printing Office who may be taken suddenly ill or receive injury while on duty ; other necessary contingent and miscellaneous items authorized by the Public Printer

Proviso . Provided, That inks, glues, and other supplies manufactured by the to Furnishing t s upp lies Government Printing Office in connection with its work may be fu rnish ed t o dep artme nts and o ther esta blish ments of the G overn - ment upon requisition, and payment made from appropriations avail- able therefor ; for expenses authorized in writing by the Joint Co mmitt ee o n Pri nting for the inspe ctio n of print ing and b indin g equipment., material, and supplies and Government printing plants in the District of Columbia or elsewhere (not exceeding $1,000)


salaries and expenses of preparing the semimonthly an d se ssion Indexes, Congres . indexes of the Congressional Record under the direction of the Joint sional Record . Committee on Printing (chief indexer at $3,480, one cataloguer at $3,180, two cataloguers at $2,460 each, and one cataloguer at $2,100) ; and for all the necessary labor, paper, materials, and equipment Paper, materials, etc. needed in the prosecution and delivery and mailing of the work ; in all $2,500,000, to which shall be charged the printing and binding Charged to Congress . authorized to be done for Congress, the printing and binding for use of the Government Printing Office, and printing and binding (not Architect of the Capi- exceeding $2,000) for official use of the Architect of the Capitol toi . when authorized by the Secretary of the Senate ; in all to an amount not exceeding this sum . Printing and binding for Congress chargeable to the foregoing

for gressional work . appropriation, when recommended to be done by the Committee on Printing of either House, shall be so recommended in a report con- taining an approximate estimate of the cost thereof, together with a statement from the Public Printer of estimated approximate cost of work previously ordered by Congress within the fiscal year for which this appropriation iS made .

Payment torwork or- During the fiscal year 1932 any executive department or inde- dered by departments, pendent es tablishment of the Government ordering printi ng and etc ° binding from the Government Printing Office shall pay promptly by check to the Public Printer upon his written request, either in advance or upon completion of the work, all or part of the esti- mated or actual cost thereof, as the case may be, and bills rendered by the Public Printer in accordance herewith shall not be subject Proviso. to audit or certification in advance of payment : Provided, That A djus tme nt of ac- proper adjustments on the basis of the actual cost of delivered work co"nts ° paid for in advance shall be made monthly or quarterly and as may