Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1313

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . III . CH. 278. 1931 . Warehouse Act . Administration ex- To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the pro- pens es . el . 39, p. 4so ; Vol. visions of the United States Warehouse Act, including the payment 42, p. 1282.

of such rent outside of the District of Columbia and the employment of such persons and means as the Secretary of Agriculture may deem necessary, in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $312,200 . Standard Container, Hamper , and Pro duce Agency Acts . Enforcement pens es. Vol. 39, p . 673. U.S. C.,p. 377. Vol. 45, p. 685. U. S. C., Supp. IV, pp . 130, 49. Purchase of able products. Promise . Receipts from sales credited to appropri- ate fund . Wool clip of 1918 . ex- perish- ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNITED STATES WAREHOUSE ACT ENFORCEMENT OF THE STANDARD CONTAINER, HAMPER, AND PRODU CE AGENCY ACTS To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the Act entitled " An Act to fix standards for Climax baskets for grapes and other fruits and vegetables, and to fix standards for baskets and other containers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables, and for other purposes," approved August 31, 1916 (U . S . C., title 15, sees . 251-256), the Act entitled " An Act to fix standards for hampers, round stave baskets, and split baskets for fruits and ., vegetables, and for other purposes, " approved May 21, 1928 (U. S. C., Supp. III, title 15, sets. 257-257i), and the Act entitled "An Act to prevent the destruction or dumping, without good and sufficient cause therefor, of farm pro- duce received in interstate commerce by commission merchants and others and to require them truly and correctly to account for all farm produce r eceived by the m," approved March 3, 1927 (U . S . C ., Su pp . III, title 7, sees . 491-497), including the purchase of such perishable farm products as may be necessary for detection of violations of the latter Act : Provided, That all receipts from the sale of such products shall be credited to this appropriation, and shall be reexpendable therefrom, a nd including the employmen t of such pers ons and means as the Se cretary of Agr iculture may deem necessar y in the city of Washington a nd elsewhere, $45,000 . CO MPL ETI ON OF W OOL WO RK Completing the dis- To enable the Bureau of Agricultural Economics to complete the ion fro m, amon g owners

work of the domestic wool section of t he War Industr ies Board and of sums col- lec ted . to enforce Government regulations for handling the wool clip of 1918 as established by the wool division of said board, pursuant to the Executive order dated December 31, 1918, transferring such work to the said bureau, $6,000, and to continue, as far as practicable, the distribution among the growers of the wool clip of 1918 of all sums heretofore or hereafter collected or recovered with or without suit by the Government from all persons, firms, or corporations, whic h handled any part of the wool clip of 1918 . Wo ol marketing studies . W OOL MA RKET ING ST UDI ES Fu nd created fo r, from collections of wool Not to exceed $50,000 of the funds collected from persons, firms clip of 1918 .

or corporations which handled any part of the wool clip of 1918, which the Secr etary of Agri culture finds it impractica ble to dis- tribute among woolgrowers, shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of a special fund which is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year 1932 for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of Used for standardis- the Act entitled " An Act to authorize the appropriation for use by tug wools . Vol.45,p. 593.

the Secretary of Agriculture of certain funds for wool standards, and p46 s. C., supp. IV, for other purposes," approved May 17, 1928 (U . S . C ., Supp . title 7, sees . 415b-415d), including personal services and other necessary expenses in the District of Columbia and elsewhere . Services in the Dis- Total, Bureau of Agriculture Economics, $7,241,136, of which trict .

amount not to exceed $2,450,430 may be expended for per sonal services in the District of Columbia .