Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1324

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1281 camps, and ports of embarkation and debarkation, $72,000

pay and

all owan ces of c ontr act sur geon s, $$51,276 ; pay of nurses, $873400- Contract surgeons, > p y



> nurses, etc . pay of hospital matrons, $720 ; rental allowances, including allow- Rental and subsist- ances for quarters for enlisted men on duty where public quarters are ence allowances, etc . not available, $6,140,735 ; subsistence allowances, $5,869,841 ; interest on soldiers' deposits, $50,000 ; payment of exchange by officers serving in foreign countries, and when specially authorized by the Secretary of War, by officers disbursing funds pertaining to the War Depart- ment, when serving in Alaska, and all foreign money received shall be charged to and paid out by disbursing officers of the Army at the legal valuation fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, $500 ; addi- tional pay to officers below the grade of major required to be mo untsers furnis hing mounted and who furnish their own mounts, $225,000 ; in all, $135,- 464,164, less $800,000 to be supplied by the Secretary of War for this purpose f rom funds rec eived during the fiscal y ear 1032 from the fr Deduction se of of s ums purchase by enlisted men of the Army of their discharges, $134,664,- charges by enlisted men . 164 ; and the money herein appropriated for " Pay, and so forth, of fund counted as one the Army" shall be accounted for as one fund . None of the money appropriated in this Act shall be used to pay t>rPa f officer lg or `den to officer on the retired list of the Army who for himself or for plies to Army . othe rs eng ages in the selli ng, c ontrac ting for th e sal e of, negoti ating for the sale of, or furnishing to the Army or the War Depa rtment any suppl ies, m ateri als, e quipm ent, l ands, build ings, plant s, ves sels, or munitions. None of the money appropriated in this Act shall be To officer retired be- f ore for e 64 years, employed paid to any officer on the retired list of the Army who, having been by cparties oa ing di- retired before reaching the age of sixty-four, is employed in the ment or Army. United States or its possessions by any individual, partnership, cor- poration, or association regularly or frequently engaged in making direct sales of any merchandise or material to the War Department or the Army . No appropriation for the pay of the Army shall be available for Eng aged in issui ng certain service publiea- the pay of any officer or enlisted man on active list of the Army who tions. is eng aged in any m anner with an y publicatio n which is or may be issued by or for any branch or organization of the Army or military association in which officers or enlisted men have membership and which carries paid advertising o f firms doin g business with the Government : P rovided, however, That nothing herein contained Pro viso . shall be construed to prohibit officers from writing or disseminating Exception . articles in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of War . MILEAGE OF THE ARMY

Mileage . For mileage, reimbursement of actual traveling expenses, or per diem allowances in lieu thereof, as authorized by law, to commis- sioned officers, warrant officers, contract surgeons, and expert account- ant, Inspector General's Department, $695,692 . EXPENSES OF COURTS-MARTIAL For expenses of courts-martial, courts of inquiry, military commis- sions, retiring boards, and compensation of reporters and witnesses attending same, contract stenographic reporting services, and expenses of taking depositions and securing other evidence for use before the same, $75,000 . APP REH ENSI ON OF DE SERT ERS , AND SO FOR TH

Deserters, etc . For the apprehension, securing, and delivering of soldiers absent without leave and of deserters, including escaped military prisoners, and the expenses incident to their pursuit ; and no greater sum than 57894'-31- 81 Officers, etc. Courts martial, etc ., expenses. Apprehension of, etc .