Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1404

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III. Cn.281. 1931. District of Columbia under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents of the District of Columbia," approved February 23, 1929 (U . S . C ., Supp . III, title 29, sees . 47-47e), $14,740 . Appropriations available to the Federal Board for Vocational Education for salaries and expenses shall be available for expenses of attendance at meetings of educational associations and other o rganizatio ns which i n the disc retion of the board are necess ary for the efficient discharge of its responsibilities . FE DE RAL FA RM BOARD REVOLVING I UND For an additional amount for carrying into effect the provisions of t he Act entitl ed the "Agricu ltural Marketi ng Act, " appro ved Jun e 15, 1929, including all necessary expenditures authorized therein, $100,000,000, which amount shall become a part of the revolving fund to be administered by the Federal Farm Board as provided in such Act. For salaries and expenses in accordance with the provisions of the "Agricultural Marketing Act," approved June 15, 1929, and the Act creating a Division of Cooperative Marketing in the Department of Ag riculture, approved July 2, 192 6, includi ng stenogr aphic repo rting services to be obtained by the board through the civil service, by contract or otherwise ; not to exceed $750 for newspapers and clip- pings ; membership fees or dues in organizations which issue publi- cations to members only or to members at a lower price than to others, payment for which may be made in advance ; manuscripts, data, and special reports by purchase or by personal services without regard to the provisions of any other Act ; to procure supplies and se rvices withou t regar d to se ction 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S. C ., title 41, sec . 5) when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $50 ; purchase and exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and motor trucks to be used only for official purposes ; typewriters, adding ma chines, an d other la bor-saving devices, i ncluding t heir repai r and e xchang e ; garag e rental i n the Dist rict of Co lumbia and elsewhere

traveling expenses, including attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Federal Farm Board ; payment of actual transporta- tion expenses and not to exceed $10 per diem to cover subsistence and ot her expens es while i n conferenc e and en r oute from and to his home to any person other than an employee or a member of an advisory commodity committee whom the board may from time to time invite to the city of WW'ashington and elsewhere for conference and advisory purposes in furthering the work of the board ; the employment of persons, firms, and others for the performance of special services, including legal services and other miscellaneous expenses : Provided, T hat du ring the f iscal year 1932, when the Feder al Far m Boa rd requires cooperative work by any department or independent estab- lishment of the Government within the scope of the functions of s uch de partm ent o r est ablis hment and w hich such depart ment or establishment is unable to perform within the limits of its appro- priations, the Federal Farm Board may transfer from this appro- priation to such department or establishment, with the approval of th e head the reof, such sum or sum s for dire ct expendi ture as ma y be nece ssary for the perfor mance of s uch additi onal work, $1,900,000 . 17894°- 31-86 1361 Vol. 45, p. 1260 . U. S. C., Supp. IV, p. 448. Attendance at meet . ings. Federal Farm Board . Revolving fund . "Ag ricult ural Mar- keting Act ." Add iti ona l amount for enforcement of. Ante, pp. 11, 1033 . Salaries and expenses . Ante, p . 12. Vol.44,p . 802. Purchase of supplies . R.S.,sec.3709, p.733 . U, S. C.,n.1309. Motor vehicles . Attendance at meet . ings . Travel expenses . Special services. Proviso . Transfers of funds for cooperative work by departments, etc .