Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1425

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SEV ENTY- FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss. III . CH. 282. 1931 . expenses not to exc eed $4,000, including payment of dues and travel- ing expenses in attending conventions when authorized by the Com- eta„ebu~langs . u nsa fe, missioners of the District of Columbia ; expenses authorized by law in connection with the removal of dangerous or unsafe and insanitary buildings, including payment of a fee of $10 per diem to each mem- ber of board of survey, other than the inspector of buildings, while Proviso. actually employed on surveys of dangerous or unsafe buildings ; Printing, etc ., of list and other general necessary expenses of District offices, $ 32, 500 of supplies schedules, Provided, That no part of this or any other appropriation contained in this Act or of any appropriation which may now be available shall be expended for p rinting or binding a schedule or list of sup- plies and materials for the furnishing of which contracts have been or may be awarded . P RINTIN G AND BINDI NG Printing and bind- ing .

For printing and binding, $75,000 . M~ A utomo bile s . etc. For maintena nce, care, repair, and opera tion of passenger-carrying automobiles owned by the District of Columbia, including personal services, $77,900, for exchange of such passenger-carrying automo- biles now owned by the District of Columbia as, in the judgment of the commissioners of said District have or shall become unservice- etcpeeifled purchases, ab l e , $ 2 0, 6 00 ; and for the purchas e and exchange of passenger-c arry- ing automobiles as follows : Executive office, three, $6,000, to be immediately available for the purchase and exchange of two and purchase of one ; District Training School, one, $900 ; director of traffic, one, $600 ; city refuse division, three, $1,720 ; Board of Public Welfare, one motor ambulance, and equipment, $1,980 ; in all, Allowances for pri . $109,700 . vately owned motor For allowances for furnishing privately owned motor vehicles in vehicles .

th e performance of official dut ies at the rate of not to exc eed $312 pe r year for each automobile an d $156 per year for each moto r cycle, Use of public vehicles $12,816 . restricted. All of said motor vehicles and all other motor vehicles provided in this Act owned by the District of Columbia shall be used only for purposes directly pertaining to the public services of said District, and shall be under the direction and control of the commissioners, w ho may from t ime to time a lter or chang e the assignm ent for use thereof or direct the joint or interchangeable use of any of the same by officials and employees of t he District, except as otherw ise pro- Cost restriction for vided in this Act : Provided, That with the exception of motor pu rch ases .

vehicles for the police and fire departments, no automobile shall be acquired under any provision of this Act, by purchase or exchange Transfers f orbidden. a t a cost, including the value of a vehicle exchanged, exceeding $650, except as may be herein specifically authorized . No motor vehicles shall be transferred from the police or fire departments to any other Fir e in sura nce not branch of the government of the District of Columbia . pe rmi tted .

Appropriations in this Act shall not be used for the payment of Tel epho nes allo wed premiu ms or other cost of fire insu rance. at residences of desi g- Telephones may be mainta ined in the residences of th e superintend- nat ed offi cials . ent of the water department, sanitary engineer, chief inspector of the s tree t-cl eani ng d ivis ion, ass ista nt s uper inte nden t of the str eet- clea n- ing division, in spector of pl umbing, Direc tor of Publi c Welfare, health officer, assistant health officer, chief of the bureau of pre- ventable diseases, chief engineer of the fire department, superintend- ent of police, electrical inspector in charge of the fire-alarm system, one fire-a larm operator, and two fire-a larm repair men, the superin- connections permit- tende nt of machine ry, and the f ire marshal, under approp riations te d.

contained in this Act . The commissioners may connect any or all of these telephones either to the system of the Chesapeake and