Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/149

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cu. 92. 1930 . plW h ianal Bir th- George Washington Birthplace National Monument, Wakefield, Monu- me nt

Virginia : For carrying into effect the provisions of the Act entitled Improvemet, etc .

§ Ante, p. 58.c An Act authorizing an appropriation for improvements upon the Gove rnment-own ed land at Wakefiel d, Westmor eland Cou nty, Vir- ginia, the birthplace of George Washington, approved January 23, par Btmen of arpDe- 1930, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $65,000; and the unexpended bal- tion transferred .

ante of the app ropriation "Improvem ents, bir thplace of George Vol . 45, p .1379. Washington, Wakefield, Virginia, 1930," is hereby transferred from the Wa r Departm ent to the Departmen t of the Interior a nd made available for the care, maintenance, and improvement of the George Washington Birthplace National Monument . Geological Survey . General expenses. Vol.45,p.1593. Department of Jus- tice . Personnel, Office of Salaries : For salaries, office of the Attorney General, including Attorne y Genera l'

the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appro- priations for the Department of Justice for the fiscal year 1930, $22,000 . C ONTIN GENT EXP ENSE S, D EPAR TMEN T OF JUST ICE For stationery, furniture, and repairs, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Depar tment of Ju stice for t he fi scal year 1 929, $3,386 .61 . For stationery, furniture, and repairs including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Department of Justice for the fiscal year 1930, and not to exceed $5,000, including the exchange allowance of any vehicle given in part payment therefor, for the purchase of a motor-propelled passenger- carrying ve hicle, fisc al year 1930 , $25,000 . For the purcha se of law b ooks books of re feren ce, an d per iodic als, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act mak- ing appropriations for the Department of Justice for the fiscal year 1930,$362 . For traveling and other miscellaneous and emergency expenses, authorized and approved by the Attorney General, to be expended at his discretion, fiscal year 1930, $5,000 . Stationery, furniture, etc. Fiscal year, 1929 . Fiscal year, 1930 . Law books, etc . M isc ell aneo us and emergency expenses . GEOLOGICAL SURVEY For the plugging of abandoned wells drilled on lands the mineral rights of which are the property of the United States, and includ- ing the general objects of expenditure enumerated in the second paragraph under the caption " Geological Survey " in the Interior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $50,000 . DEPARTMENT OF JU STI CE OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GE NE RAL MIS CELLANEOUS OBJECTS, D EPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Enfor cing Acts to regulate commerce . Enforcement of Acts to regulate commerce : For the enforcement of Acts to regulate commerce, including the same objects specified tinder this head in t he Act making appropriations for the Depart- ment of Justice for the fiscal year 1928, $127.76. cution of crimes. D and prose- Dete ction and p rosec ution of cr imes : F or th e dete ction and prose- cution of crimes against the United States, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Department of Justice for the fiscal year 1930; and including also the acquisition, collection, classification, and preservation of criminal identification and other crime records; not to exced $11,200 in lieu