Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1495

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SEVE NTY- FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . III. CH. 326 . 1931 . Transfers allowed be- t ween appr opri atio ns for any bureau, etc ., to meet reallocation in- creases . De part ment con tin- gent expenses. When specifically approved by the Secretary of the Navy, trans- fers may be made between the appropriations in this Act u nder the respective jurisdiction of any bureau, office, board, or corps, in order to meet increases in compensation resulting from the reallo- cation by the Personnel Classification Board of positions under any such organization unit . Any such transfers shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . CONTINGENT EXPENSES Library, etc . For professional and technical books and periodicals, law books, and necessary reference books, including city directories, railway guides, freight, passenger, and express tariff books and photostat- ing, for department library ; for purchase of photographs, maps, documents, and pictorial records of the Navy, photostating and other necessary incidental expenses in connection with the prepara- Naval records of tion for publication of the naval records of the war with the Central world war . Ante, p.1451.

Powers of Europe ; for stationery, furniture, newspapers, plans, St ati one ry, et c. furnitnre, drawings, and drawing materials ; purchase and exchange of motor vehicles, t ruck s or motor del ivery wago ns, maint enanc e, r epair , and ope ra- tion of motor trucks or motor delivery wagons ; garage rent ; street- car fares not exceeding $500 ; freight, expressage, postage, type- writers, and computing machines, and other absolutely necessary ex penses o f the Nav y Depart ment and its var ious bur eaus and offices, Naval service appro- $85,000 ; it shall not be lawful to expend, unless otherwise specifi- priations not to be used for Department ex- cally provided herein, for any of the offices, or bureaus of the Navy penses .

Department in the District of Columbia, any sum out of appropria- tions made for the naval service for any of~the purposes mentioned Proviso .

or authorized in this paragraph : Provided, That any unexpended Labor saving devices, may be purchased, etc ., o r un oblig ated bala nces under app ropri ation s fo r sal aries in the fr om Ante, p . aa a57l balance. Navy Department for the fiscal year 1931 may, with the approval of the Secretary of the Navy, be expended for the purchase, exchange, or rental of labor-saving devices during the fiscal year 1932. PRINTING AND BINDING Printing and bind- For printing and binding for the Navy Department and the Naval mg. Establishment executed at the Government Printing Office, $575,000, including not exceeding $107,500 for the Hydrographic Office and $2,800 for the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps . Hyd rog raph ic O ffi ce. CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES, HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Contin gent and mis- For purchase and printing of nautical books, charts, and sailing cellaneous expenses . di rections , copperp lates, s teel pla tes, cha rt paper , packing boxes, cha rt portf olios, el ectrotyp ing copp erplates , cleanin g copper plates ; tools, instruments, power, and material for drawing, engraving, and printing ; materials for and mounting charts ; reduction of charts by photography ; photolithographing charts for immediate use ; transfer of photolithographic and other charts to copper ; purchase of equip- ment for the storage of plates used in making charts and for the storage of Hydrographic Office charts and publications ; moderniza- tion, care and repair to printing presses, furniture, instruments, and tools ; extra drawing and engraving ; translating from foreign Pilot charts . languages ; telegrams on public business ; preparation of pilot charts and their supplements, and printing and mailing same

purchase of

data for charts and sailing directions and other nautical publica- tions ; books of reference and works and periodicals relating to hyd rogr aphy, mari ne m eteor ology , na vigat ion, surv eying , oce anog - raphy, and terrestrial magnetism, and to other professional and