Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1529

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . III. Cxs. 398, 399. 1931 . TO be p public park urposes o one thousand fe et, more or less to the shell ro ad . Such tract shall contain not less than twenty acres and shall, together with the ocean beach and water front abutting on the eastern boundary thereof (including all easements and rights of ingress and egress), be de- Rightsreserved . voted exclusively to public-park purposes . Any conveyance made by such city shall contain express conditions reserving to the United States (1) a perpetual easement for beams of light from the Amelia Island Lighthouse, and (2) the right to trim any trees and to limit the height of any structures erected on such property that may o bstruct the beam s of such light . Approved, March 3, 1931 . March 3, 1931 .

CHAP. 399 .-An Act To regulate the erection, hanging, placing, painting, [li , o .1 d isplay , and m aintena nce of outdoor signs and oth er for ms of e xterior advert ising (Publi c, No . 7ss .l within the District of Columbia . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the District of Columbia. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commis- ing ° plac g, etc ;°r ooof sioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, author- "' signs m, au- ized and empowered after public hearings to make and to enforce thorized. such regulations as they may deem advisable to (in so far as neces- sary to promote the public health, safety, morals, and welfare) c ontrol, restrict , and govern the erection, hangin g, placing, pain t- ing, display, and maintenance of all outdoor signs and other forms of exterior advertising on public ways and public space under their c ont rol and on pr iva te property within public v iew wi thin the Force and effect .

D istri ct of Colum bia, and such regulations as may be pr omulga ted hereunder shall have the force and effect of law . Li censes to i ssue . ,SEC. 2 . No person, persons, firm, or corporation shall engage in the business of erecting, hanging, placing, painting, displaying, or main- taining any sign for outdoor display within the District of Colum- b ia without first having obtained a license theref or from the Supe r- i ntend ent of Lice nses of the Dist rict o f Col umbia, whic h lice nse Proviso.

shall bear an identification number : Provided, That no license shall Fees the refor .

issue without the prepayment of $5 to the collector of taxes of the Rejecti on of license application. District of Columbia, and an annual fee of $5 thereafter for each succeeding year . For good caus e shown the C ommissioners of the District of Columbia shall have the power to reject any application for a license hereunder, or, where license has been issued, to revoke it . po Vol .. .32, p. 627, re- SEC. 3. That paragra ph 39 of the Act of July 11 1902 (32 Stat . L. pt. 1, pp. 627-628), relating to billposters and signs in the Dis- trict of Columbia, be, and the same is hereby, repealed . Pe nalty for v iolati on SE c, 4. Any person, persons, firm, or corporation, wh et her as of regulations. p rinci pal, a gent, or employee, violating this Act or any of the r egula tions promu lgate d purs uant to said Act shall , upo n conv ic- t ion t hereof in the police court of the Dist rict o f Col umbia, be fined not less than $5 nor more than $200 for each and every offense, and a like fine shall be imposed for each and every day thereafter P rov fao m

that such violation of law shall continue

Provided, That the regu- Pnblicationofregula• dons . Jations promulgated hereunder shall be printed in one of the daily newspapers published in the Distr ict of Colu mbia, and no penalty prescribed for the violation of said regulations shall be enforced until thirty days after the publication of such regulations . Approved, March 3, 1931 .