Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1582

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SE VE NTY -FI RST CONGRESS . SEss. III. Ca . 517. 1931 .

1539 half southeast quarter section 24; all in township 2 north, range Descrip tion-Cont d .d Los Ang eles , ete ., 25 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the east half east half, the northwest Calif ., water supply. quarter southwest quarter, and the south half southwest quarter sec- tion 21 ; the west half, and the west half east half section 22 ; the east ha lf no rthwe st q uarte r, an d the nort heas t qua rter north east quar ter section 23 ; section 24 ; section 25 ; the southeast quarter northeast quarter, the east half northwest quarter, the southwest quarter north- west quarter, the southwest quarter, the south half southeast quarter, and the northeast quarter southeast quarter section 26 ; the south- east qua rt er northeast quarter, the northwest quarter northwest quar ter, the south hal f northwe st quarter , and the south ha lf section 27; se cti on 34; the west half, and the west half southeast quarter section 35; all in township 3 north, range 25 east , Mount D iablo meridian ; the east half east half, the south- west quarter southeast quarter, and the so utheast quarter sou th- west quarter section 1; the east half southwest quarter, and the south half southeast quarter section 10 ; the south half south half, the north half southeast quarter, and the east half northeast quarter section 11 ; the east half northwest quarter, the northeast quarter southwest quarter, and the east half section 12 ; all in town- ship 1 south, range 26 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the southwest qu arter nort heas t qua rter, and the w est half south east quart er s ec- tion 9 ; fractional east half southeast quarter section 10 ; fractional northwest quarter northwest quarter, the southwest quarter north- west quarter, the north half southwest quarter, and the east half southeast quarter section 13 ; fractional southeast quarter northeast quarter, and the southeast quarter section 14 ; the east half east half, and the southwest quarter southwest quarter section 15;the northeast quarter northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter northwest quarter section 22 ; the west half east half section 23 ; the north half northeast quarter, the southwest quarter northeast quar- ter, the east half northwest quarter, and the east half southwest quarter section 24 ; the northeast quarter northwest quarter, the southwest quarter northwest quarter, and the northwest quarter so uthwe st qu arte r sec tion 25 ; the nor theas t qua rter north west quar - ter, and the north half southeast quarter section 26 ; the west half northwest quarter, and the northwest quarter southwest quarter section 27 ; the east half southeast quarter section 34 ; the southwest quarter northwest quarter section 35 ; all in township 1 north, range 26 east , Mount Diablo meri dian, all fractiona l section 2 ; s ec t io n 3; section 4 ; section 5 ; the east half east half section 6 ; the north half, the north half south half, and the north half south half south half section i ; section 8 ; section 9 ; the northwest quarter north- west quarter, the west half southwest quarter, the southeast quar- ter southwest quarter, the southeast quarter, and the southeast quar- ter northeast quarter section 10 ; fractional northeast quarter south- west quarter, and fractional south half south half section 11;all fractional section 14 ; section 15 ; the north half north half, the southwest quarter northwest quarter, the northwest quarter south- west quarter, the northeast quarter southeast quarter, and the south half southeast quarter section 17 ; the south half northwest quarter northeast quarter, the south half northwest quarter, the south h alf n orth half north west quar ter, and t he no rthe ast q uarte r sou th- west quarter section 18 ; the sout hwest quarter south west quarter section 19 ; the north ha lf northeast quarter section 20 ; all frac- tional section 21 ; all fractional section 22 ; all fractional section 23; all in t owns hip 2 north, range 26 east, Mount Diablo merid- ian ; section 1 ; section 2 ; section 3 ; section 4 ; the north half,