Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1589

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15 46

SEVENTY- FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . Ca. 517. 1931. Description-contd . township 9 south, range 34 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the east ll, water supplyr

half east half, and the northwest quarter northeast quarter section 1 (unsurveyed) ; section 5 (unsurveyed) ; section 6 (unsurveyed) ; sec- tion 7 (unsurveyed) ; section 8 (unsurveyed) ; the east half northeast quar ter sec tion 12 (unsurv eyed)

the north half, an d the s outhwest

quarter section 17 (unsurveyed) ; the north half, and the southeast quarter section 18 (unsurveyed) ; the southwest quarter southwest quarter section 23 ; all in township 10 south, range 34 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the west half section 19 (unsurveyed), section 30 (unsurveyed), section 31 (unsurveyed), all in township 10 south, range 35 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the east half southwest quar ter sec tion 12 , townsh ip 11 s outh, ra nge 34 east, Mo unt Dia blo meridian ; the south half northeast quarter, and the east half south- east quarter section 8 ; the northeast quarter northeast quarter sec- tion 17 ; the east half (unsurveyed), and the northeast quarter southwest quarter section 21 ; the north half northeast quarter, the southeast quarter northeast quarter, and the northeast quarter south- east quarter section 28 ; the northwest quarter northwest quarter, and the southeas t quart er south west qu arter s ection 3 4, all in towns hip 12 south, range 35 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the southwest quarter southwest quarter southeast quarter southeast quarter sec- tion 7, township 13 south, range 35 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; section 21 unsurveyed) ; the north half, and the southeast quarter section 28 unsurveyed) ; the southwest quarter section 34 (unsur- veyed) ; all in township 13 south, range 36 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; the north half southeast quarter section 36 ; township 14 sout h, range 34 eas t, Mount Diablo meridi an ; the southwest quarter , and the nort hwest quar ter secti on 3 (unsu rvey ed) ; th e nor th wes t quarter section 10 (unsurveyed) ; the southwest quarter section 14 (unsurveyed) ; the west half section 23 (unsurveyed) ; the southeast quarter section 26 (unsurveyed) ; the north half northeast quarter, and the southeast quarter northeast quarter section 35 (unsurveyed)

the west half section 36 (unsurveyed) ; all in township 14 south, range 36 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; section 19 ; section 20 ; section 21 ; section 22 ; section 23 ; section 24 ; the north half, the north half southwest quarter, and lot 1, lot 2, lot 3, lot 4, section 25 ; lot 1, lot 2, lot 3, lot 4, lot 6, lot 7, the south half north half, and the north half south half section 26 ; section 27 ; section 28 ; lot 1, lot 2, lot 3, lot 4, and the s outh half north ha lf section 29 ; th e north half, the northeast quarter s outhwest quarter, the north half sou theast quarter, a nd lot 1 section 33 ; section 34 ; the west half northwest quarter, the southeast quart er nort hwest qu arter, the sout hwest q uarter northeas t quart er, the southeast quarter southeast quarter, the west half southeast quarter, the southwest quarter, and lot 3, lot 4, section 35 ; the south half southw est quarter, the s outh half northea st quarter, the so utheast quarter, and lot 1, lot 2, lot 3, lot 4, lot 5 section 36 ; all in township 15 south, range 35 east, Mount Diablo meridian ; section 19 ; lot 1, lot 2, lot 3, lot 4, the southwest quarter northeast quarter, the west half southeast quarter, and the west half section 20 ; lot 1, lot 2, lot 3 lot 4, lot 5, l ot 6, the northwes t quarter northwe st quarter, the ea st half northwest quarter, the west half northeast quarter, the southwest quart er sout hwest qu arter, the east half s outhwes t quarte r, and the west half southeast quarter section 29 ; lot 1, lot 2, lot 3, lot 4, lot 5, lot 6, lot 7, the northwest q uarter, the north half southwest qu arter, the southeast quarter southwest quarter, and the west half northeast quartersection30;lot1,lot2,lot3,lot4,lot5,lot6,lot7,lot8,lot9, lot 10, the east half northeast quarter, and the north half southeast quarter section 31 ; the southeast quarter (insurveyed), lot 1, lot 4, lot 5, lot 6, lot 7, lot 8, lot 9, lot 11, lot 12, the southeast quarter southeast