Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/159

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116 Contracts waived. R.S., sec.3709,p. 733. U.S. C., p.1309. Inter-American Con- gress of Education . Expenses for partic- ipating in . Ante, p . 71. Wo rld' s Po ultr y Congress . Expenses of delegates to. Ante, p . 84. Treasury De part - ment . DI VISI ON OF SUPPLY General supply fund . Vol . 45, p .1342. General supply fund, Treasury Department : For the General Sup- u- s. e ., Supp . IV, ply Fund authorized by section 3 of the Act approved February 27, p.069.

1929 (U . S . C ., Supp . III, title 41, sec . 7a), fiscal years 1930 and Customs Service.

1931, $300,000 . Col lec ting cus toms Coll ectin g the rev enue from cust oms : For an additional amount for collecting the revenue from customs for the fiscal year 1930, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act mak- ing appropriations for the Treasury Department for the fiscal year 1930, $150,000, of which $17,500 shall be available for personal serv- ices in the District of Columbia in addition to the amount of $190,980 provided for this purpose in said Act, exclusive of eight persons from the field force authorized to be detailed under section 525 of the Tariff Act of 1922 (U. S. C., title 19, sec. 414) . Compensation in lien Compensation in lieu of moieties : For an additional amount for of moieties. compensation in lieu of moieties in certain cases under the customs- laws, fiscal year 1930, $250,000 . revenue. Details . Vol.42,p.979. U. S. C.,p. 597. Farm Loan Bureau . Salaries and expenses . Comptr oller of the Currency. Salaries . SE VENTY -FIR ST C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 92. 1930 . provisions of any other Act), stenographic and other services by contract if deemed necessary, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5), and such other expenses as may be deemed necessary by the Secretary of State in furtherance of the projects described, fiscal year 1930, to remain available until expended, $50,000 . Inter-American Congress of Rectors, Deans, and Educators : For the purpose of defraying the expenses of participation by the Gov- ernment of the United States by means of delegates to be appointed by the President in the Inter-American Congress of Rectors, Deans, and Educators in general to be held at Habana, Cuba, on February 20, 1930, including travel expenses, subsistence or per diem in lieu of subsistence (notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act), print- ing and binding, compensation of employees, rent, official cards, and such other expenses as the President shall deem proper fiscal year 1930 to be available for expenditures incurred after February 17, 1930, 4,000 . Fourth World's Poultry Congress : For the expenses of official delegates of the United States to the Fourth World's Poultry Con- gr ess, to be held i n Englan d in 193 0, inclu ding tra vel and s ubsist- en ce or pe r diem in lieu of subsist ence, an d such o ther expe nses as may be authorized by the Secretary of State, fiscal year 1930, to be availab le until June 30, 1931, $15,000 . TREA SURY DEPA RTME NT CUS TOMS SER VIC E FEDERAL FARM LOAN BUREAU Salaries and expenses : For an additional amount for salaries and expenses of the Federal Farm Loan Bureau for the fiscal year 1930, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act ma king appr opria tions for the Treas ury Depar tment for the fisca l year 1930, $50,000, payable from assessments upon F ederal a nd joint-stock land banks and Federal intermediate credit banks . 01 1 ICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Sa la ri e s : For an additiona l amount for sal aries, f iscal ye ar 1930, $37,330 .